AutoPIPE Vessel CONNECT Edition v41 (v :2019-01)

What is New & Changed in AutoPIPE® Vessel

The following outline identifies new features and enhancements which have been implemented and the major defects which have been fixed.

[ Techcnology Preview ]
Technology Previews provide users preliminary access to features currently in development and not QA certified and therefore not yet ready for production (please read carefully: EULA). These features are provided at no additional charge to promote awareness of a feature or technology to be deployed in a future release. Users are encouraged to provide feedback and suggestions. To learn more about Technology Previews or to gain access, please create a Service Request (be sure to include "Technology Preview" in the Description field).

CONNECT Edition v41 (v41.00.00.006:2019-01)

The following outline identifies new features and enhancements in the CONNECT Edition v41 of AutoPIPE Vessel v41.00.00.006.

CONNECT Edition v41 (v41.00.00.005:2018-12)

The following outline identifies new features and enhancements in the CONNECT Edition v41 of AutoPIPE Vessel v41.00.00.005.

AutoPIPE®  Vessel Requirements

This document contains information regarding:

More detailed installation information can be found in the AutoPIPE Vessel Quick Start Guide.


Product Version

Product AutoPIPE Vessel
Version v41.00.00.006
Language English


Installation Requirements

Access to the Internet required for product installation. The minimum system configuration for installation:


Operating System Microsoft Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 or higher
Microsoft Windows 8 Professional or higher
Microsoft Windows 10 Professional or higher
32 or 64 bit OS


* For x64 operating systems you must install the accessdatabaseengine x64 which Microsoft delivers with Office 2010. You can download this from Microsoft's website.

When installing the product through the installer program, the required components will be installed automatically. If, however, you extract the package and then later run the EasyMultiInstall.vbs or the msi file to install the product, the Desktop Prerequisite Pack v08.11.09.xx must be installed on your workstation prior to the product installation. The RealDwg2012.msi should be installed after the product is installed. The Desktop Prerequisite Pack is available from the Web downloads area of SELECTservices Online. The contents of the Desktop Prerequisite Pack include:

* RealDWG 2012 is required by some features and must be installed. RealDWG 2013 is not supported in this release.


Minimum Profile

The minimum recommended workstation profile for running AutoPIPE Vessel is:


Processor Intel® or AMD® processor 3.0 GHz or greater.
Memory 256 megabytes (Mb) of free (1) RAM minimum, 4096 Mb or more is preferred. AutoPIPE Vessel will utilize all available RAM. AutoPIPE Vessel performance is dependent on the size of the AutoPIPE Vessel model and the amount of available system resources.
(1) Free RAM refers to available RAM after all operating system processes have been loaded.
Hard Disk 4 GB free disk space.
Video Graphics Card Any industry-standard video card which supports OpenGL 3D graphics.
Screen resolution of 1280x1024 or greater.
CAD MicroStation
AutoCAD x32 versions: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
AutoCAD x64 versions: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
SolidWorks x32 versions:  2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
SolidWorks x64 versions:  2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
Adobe PDF Reader To view, print, and save PDF files, Bentley recommends Adobe Reader 10 or higher.


Download and Installation

See the AutoPIPE Vessel Quick Start Guide for more information on downloading and installing AutoPIPE Vessel.

To complete the licensing process, you must have the appropriate roles assigned by your Site Administrator by submitting a Service Request at


If you are experiencing problems logging into your Bentley account, please contact Bentley at 1-800-BENTLEY (1-800-236-8539). Outside the United States +1 610-458-5000.

Included Applications in the Installation Package

AutoPIPE Vessel is installed from one executable. The configuration of AutoPIPE Vessel includes these features:


Design Codes

This sections contains the list of design codes and code editions supported by AutoPIPE Vessel.


Pressure Vessel/Heat Exchanger Code


Design Code Description Editions
AD/AD 2000-Merkblatt Code for Pressure Vessels (German Code) 2014-11, 2012-07, 2011-05, 2007-11, 2007-05, 2004-10, 2003-01, 2000-00, 1996-08, 1995-07, 1995-05, 1993-04, 1991-10, 1990-10
API 650 Welded Tanks for Oil Storage 2016-01, 2014-09, 2013-03, 2011-09
ASME VIII Division 1 Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels 2017-07, 2015-07, 2013-07, 2011-07, 2010-07, 2009-07, 2008-07, 2006-07, 2005-07, 2004-07, 2003-09, 2002-07, 2001-07, 2000-07, 1999-07, 1998-07
ASME VIII Division 2 Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels (Alternatives Rules) 2017-07, 2015-07, 2013-07, 2011-07, 2010-07, 2009-07
BS/PD 5500 Specification for Unfired Fusion Welded Vessels (British Standard Institute) 2015-04, 2014-09, 2013-09, 2012-09, 2012-06, 2011-09, 2011-01, 2008-01, 2006-09, 2005-11, 2004-09, 2004-03, 2002-08, 2002-04, 2001-01, 1999-11, 1999-01, 1998-01, 1997-01
CODAP Code for Construction of Unfired Pressure Vessels (French Code) 2018-07, 2016-10, 2015, 2014-06, 2012-10, 2011-03, 2010-11, 2009-03, 2007-09, 2006-06, 2004-12, 2004-04, 2002-12, 2000-12, 1998-12
EN 13445 Unfired Pressure Vessels (European Standard) 2017-12, 2016-09, 2015-07, 2014-09, 2013-07, 2011-07, 2009-07, 2007-04, 2004-11, 2004-02, 2002-05
GOST R 52857 Vessels And Apparatus (Russian Code) 2012-01, 2008-01
NFE 32 100-108 French Code For Construction Of Steam Generators 1988-12
GB 150 Pressure Vessels (Chinese Code) 2011


Manufacturing Standard


Design Code Description Editions
EJMA Standards of the Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association 2008 (9th Edition), 1999 (8th Edition), 1993 (6th Edition)
TEMA Standards of the Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association 2007-11 (9th Edition), 1999-06 (8th Edition), 1997-12 (7th Edition), 1991-08 (7th Edition)


Wind Code


Design Code Description Editions
AD-Merkblatter S3/0 General Verification Of Stability For Pressure Vessels 1991
ASCE 7 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures 2010, 2005, 2002, 1998, 1995, 1993
British Standard BS 6399 Part 2 British Standard for Loading for Buildings - Code of Practice for Wind Loads 1997
British Standard CP3 Part 2 British Standard for Wind Loads 1972
EN 1991-1-4 Eurocode 1: Actions on Structures - Wind Actions 2010, 2005
GOST R 51273-99 Vessels and Apparatus NORMS AND METHODS OF STRENGTH CALCULATIONS Rated Strength 2000
IBC (ASCE) International Building Code 2015, 2012, 2006
Indian Standard IS:875 Part 3 Indian Standard - Wind Loads on Buildings and Structures 1987
NBC Canada National Building Code of Canada 2005
NBR 6123 Brazilian Code - Wind Load 1998
Neige et Vent 65 French Wind Code 1999, 1995, 1990
Portuguese DL 235/83 Portuguese Wind Code 1983
Spanish Code NBE AE 88 Spanish Wind Code 1988
Uniform Building Code US Code Until 1997 1997, 1994, 1991, 1988, 1982, 1976
GB 50009 Chinese Wind Code 2012


Seismic Code


Design Code Description Editions
ANSI A58.1 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures 1982
ASCE 7 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures 2010, 2005, 2002, 1998, 1994, 1993
DIN 4149 German Earthquake Standard 2005-04, 1981
EN 1998-1 Eurocode 8: Design of Structures for Earthquake Resistance 2013, 2004
GOST R 51273-99 Vessels and Apparatus NORMS AND METHODS OF STRENGTH CALCULATIONS Rated Strength Calculation of Column Type Apparatus from Wind Loads and Seismic Influence 2002
IBC (ASCE) International Building Code 2015, 2012, 2006
Indian Standard IS:1893 Indian Standard 2005, 2002, 1996, 1984
NBC Canada National Building Code of Canada 2005
Parasismique PS 92 French Standard 1995
Parasismique PS 69 French Standard 1984
Portuguese Earthquake LNEC Hazard Analysis and Seismic Risk Assessment in Portugal 1987
Spanish Code NCSE-02 Spanish Seismic Code 2002
Uniform Building Code US Code Until 1997 1997, 1994, 1991
GB 50011 Chinese Seismic Code 2010


Nozzle Local Load Method


Design Code Description Editions
EN 13445 Par. 16.4 and 16.5 Local Loads on Nozzles in Spherical Shells / in Cylindrical Shells 2016-09, 2015-07, 2014-09, 2013-07, 2011-07, 2009-07, 2007-04, 2004-11, 2004-02, 2002-05
GOST R 52857 Par. 6 Strength Calculation of Cylindrical Shells and Spherical Bottoms Under External Static Loads on the Nozzle 2008-01
PD 5500 G2 Par. G.2 Local Loads on Pressure Vessel Shells 2015-04, 2014-09, 2013-09, 2012-09, 2012-06, 2011-09, 2011-01, 2008-01, 2006-09, 2005-11, 2004-09, 2004-03, 2002-08, 2002-04, 2001-01
PD 5500 G.2.8 Par. G.2.8 Alternative Rules for Local Loads on Circular Nozzles in Spherical and Cylindrical Shells 2015-04, 2014-09, 2013-09, 2012-09, 2012-06, 2011-09, 2011-01, 2008-01, 2006-09, 2005-11, 2004-09, 2004-03, 2002-08, 2002-04, 2001-01
WRC B 107 + 297 Local Stresses In Spherical And Cylindrical Shells Due To External Loadings 2002-10, 1979-03
WRC 537 Precision Equations and Enhanced Diagrams for Local Stresses in Spherical and Cylindrical Shells Due to External Loadings for Implementation of WRC Bulletin 107 2010


How to Activate AutoPIPE®  Vessel

Product activation is achieved by connecting to a SELECT Server, receiving a verification that your SELECT Server Name and Activation Key are correct, and successfully posting Usage logs. Product activation is not the same as checking out a license. This document describes how to configure AutoPIPE Vessel for activation. After initial configuration, AutoPIPE Vessel automatically and transparently tries to activate each time it runs, and runs unconstrained for a period of 30 days after its last successful activation. However, if activation is unsuccessful for a period of 30 days, AutoPIPE Vessel will not start until it is activated again.

Activating a product using the Product Activation Wizard

The Product Activation Wizard is designed to step users through the product activation process. After a product is installed, you must obtain a license and then activate that license. Obtaining the license alone is not enough to complete the process. This wizard eliminates the confusion and makes it clear that obtaining a license and activating a product are two essential steps.

The Product Activation Wizard opens automatically (unless the "Activate product using Bentley License Tool" check box is turned off) at the end of the product installation process. See the AutoPIPE Vessel Quick Start Guide for more information on installing AutoPIPE Vessel.

The first screen of the Product Activation Wizard offers four product activation options:

The wizard steps you through the activation process based on the options selected.

SELECT subscribers with a deployed (local) SELECT Server

If you are activating against a local SELECT Server, you must provide the proper Server Name and Activation Key. The Server Name and Activation Key, along with any proxy configuration information, can be obtained from your Site Administrator.

SELECT subscribers activating against a hosted (Bentley) SELECT Server

If you are activating against a hosted (Bentley) SELECT Server, the Server Name is pre-populated but you must provide the proper Activation Key provided by the Bentley Sales Support Center.

        1. Enter the site activation key in the Site Activation Key field.
      1. If you are using HTTPS, enable the HTTPS (SSL) check box.
      2. If you are using a Proxy server to connect to the hosted SELECT Server, click the Proxy button and fill in the Proxy Server information then click OK.
      3. Click Test Connection to verify the connection to the SELECT Server.
      4. Click Next. The Wizard Selections dialog box displays the information provided on the previous dialog boxes.
      5. Review the information and click Finish to activate the product.


If you are not a Bentley SELECT subscriber and you are activating AutoPIPE Vessel, you are presented with three options:

I have a license file ready to import

    1. Enter the path to your license file (or Browse to the location of your license file) in the License File field.
    2. Click Next. The Wizard Selections dialog box displays the information provided on the previous dialog boxes.
    3. Review the information and click Finish to activate the product.

I have an activation key

    1. Enter the site activation key in the Site Activation Key field.
    2. If you are using HTTPS, enable the HTTPS (SSL) check box.
    3. If you are using a Proxy server to connect to the hosted SELECT Server, click the Proxy button and fill in the Proxy Server information then click OK.
    4. Click Test Connection to verify the connection to the SELECT Server.
    5. Click Next. The Check out license now? page displays.
    6. Enter your Email address in the Email Address field.
    7. Select the product to be activated (if not pre-populated) it the Product Name field.
    8. Enter the product version number (if not pre-populated) in the Product Version field.
    9. Click Next. The Wizard Selections dialog box displays the information provided on the previous dialog boxes.
    10. Review the information and click Finish to activate the product.

I do not have any license information

    1. The product will run in evaluation mode.
    2. Click Go To to request activation information.

Evaluation Only - No license information

  1. The product will run in evaluation mode.
  2. Click Go To to request activation information


Bentley, the "B" logo, AutoPIPE, MicroStation, ProjectWise, SELECT, and MDL are either registered or unregistered trademarks or service marks of Bentley Systems, Incorporated, or one of its direct or indirect wholly-owned subsidiaries. Other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.


© 2016, Bentley Systems, Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.

Including software, file formats, and audiovisual displays; may only be used pursuant to applicable software license agreement; contains confidential and proprietary information of Bentley Systems, Incorporated and/or third parties which is protected by copyright and trade secret law and may not be provided or otherwise made available without proper authorization.

Complete copyright information can be found in the product by choosing Help > About.

For reference, a copy of the End User License Agreement named "Eula_en.pdf" is included in the "AutoPIPE Vessel" folder of the product installation. By default, this location is "C:\Program Files\Bentley\Engineering\AutoPIPE Vessel."



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