When revieing the output report of a particular model analyzed per ASME VIII div 1, the following was observed.
1. In the "Summary of Errors and Warnings" subsection of the report:
320 HEAD: crown radius (xxx in) not covered by code §UG-32 (j) (diameter=xxx in , thickness=xxx in).
These messages are in direct conflict. Which is correct?
Take a moment to look up in the respective code the section on ASME VIII Div 1, section "UG-32 FORMED HEADS, AND SECTIONS, PRESSURE ON CONCAVE SIDE".
Read thru the section looking for a clause that talks about the relationship between crown radius to the outside diameter of the skirt of the head.
AS of AutoPIPE Vessel there is no check in the report or no red text to indicate a problem when the clause is not true, just an error message shown above.
A new bug (1533905) has been logged and will be added to a future version of the program.
Bentley is unable to assume this responsibility in answering these questions, as it does not align with our role. We recommend considering the following options:
1. Request and official written response from ASME committee to agree with your point of view.
2. Designate a different code in AutoPIPE Vessel which does not have the same limitation, to check the stress.
Warning Messages, Unregistered Messages, Error Messages, or Application Crash issues