Strip Profiles allow for different strips to be used on Quick Sections for different Location Types or for results of an expression.
Existing Strips can be used with Strip Profiles, but modifications might be needed in certain circumstances.
To access Strip Profiles, select the option from the Manage section of the System ribbon.
The Strip Profiles window will display a list of all available Strip Profiles that are contained within the active Configuration Pack or the active Project.
After selecting the Add, Edit or Duplicate buttons, the Strip Profile Editor will appear.
With this mode selected, the Add and Remove buttons can be used to add or remove different location types and the relevant strips that should be displayed. In the example below, if an Enviro BH was the location type, then the QS Strip - Graphic Log w WL - Well - US would be plotted. If the location is a location type that is not within the list then the Default strip will be used instead.
With this mode selected, the window will update to include a new section at the bottom labelled Strip Switch Condition. The Strip Category section still allows for new options to be added, but these will be the result of the expression entered, rather than the location type like the option above. If the resulting result from the expression is not within the list then the Default strip will be used instead.
The expression used in the above example is as follows:
if(countrecords([Aggregate.StaticConePenetrationGeneral.TestType])>0, 'CPT',if(countrecords([Aggregate.BackfillDetails.LegendCode])=0, 'Yes','No'))
This will return a value of 'CPT' if there are any CPT records in the location, else it will check to see if there are any Backfill records, if there are, it will return 'Yes', else it will return 'No'. If all of the above is not true for whatever reason, then the default profile will be used.
Alternatively, you could use the following expressions or similar:
if([LocationDetails.Status]='Final','OptionA','OptionB') - This would use the Strip 'OptionA' if the status is Final, otherwise it would use 'OptionB'.