P. Autopipe Crashes on Exporting Input or Result Access data base 

Applies To  
Product(s): AutoPIPE
Version(s): ALL;
Area: Crashes
Date Logged
& Current Version
July. 2024


Why Autopipe Crashes on Exporting Input or Result Access database?


 There is an issue with the installation of MS Access Database Engine 2016(English), repeat the steps given below to resolve this issue:

1. Go to control Panel > Uninstall the existing Microsoft Access Database Engine 2016(English) as shown in screenshot below:

2. Now download a fresh Microsoft Access Database Engine 2016(English) x64 bit from link here.

3. Download accessdatabaseengine_64.exe as shown in screenshot below.

4. Simply install this executable file.
5. Start the AutoPIPE and Open the example walkthrugh model, export the Input and Result Access database. 

See Also

Bentley AutoPIPE