Q. What is an AutoPIPE APC file, how is it created, & where is it saved too?

Questions and answer:

1. What is an AutoPIPE APC file?

An APC file is really just an archive ZIP file contains most of the files used by AutoPIPE. The following table lists the file extensions included with each 'file type' option available in the Archive Model dialog:

This is a great way for companies to send files between one another, archive their models or for users to store a state of a model as a revision history. 

Opening an AutoPIPE APC compressed file, and pressing 'OK', will extract all of the compressed file types into a new folder by the same name, and open the model.  The ability to open a compressed model file is especially useful when sharing a model between multiple users. This is important as AutoPIPE will use the same files (default or customized) that were used to model, analyze, and generate reports.   

This feature is available in AutoPIPE V8i 09.05.xx and higher. 

2. How is it created?

The user must use the Save Archive APC command.

Depending on your version of AutoPIPE this command can be located in different menus. Suggest to use AutoPIPE help search feature for "APC" to find the correct command location. 

+++important+++: before creating the APC file create a complete model input listing with all sub reports added and complete model output repot again, with all sub reports added and enable the check box for Model Input listing.


Using AutoPIPE CONNECT or higher:

a. Select File> Save As> Archive

b. Provide a name for the file, press OK to continue

c. Enable features for APC file on the following Dialog, press OK to continue. 

d. the APC file is now in the location specified in first step above. 

3. Where is it saved too? 

Typically the file is saved to the same folder as the current opened model. However, this can be customized by the user during the Save-as Archive (APC) operation above.

4. The archive APC file is too big to email, what can be done?

If the APC file is too large, the file size can be significantly reduced by recreating another APC file and disable the Results check-box.

Again, if the APC file is still to large, again, the file size can be significantly reduced by recreating 3rd APC file, however this time disable both Results & Reports check-boxes as shown below: 

5.  Cannot send APC file in email, why?

If you are unable to send an APC file attachment in an email, contact your IT department to discuss any firewall restrictions on the APC file extension. Typically companies will only allow certain formatted files through their fire walls. You will notice when logging a Service Request, that there is a list of acceptable file types: 

Again work with your IT department and email recipients' IT departments explaining what an APC file is (see above) and ask that an APC files be allowed to be sent / received through emails.

As indicated above, Bentley now allows an APC file type to be sent through email, this was only possible after our IT department updated our policy to add APC to the list of allowed file extension. 

Other options of sending this file to another user, see WIKI here.