W726-14: No anchors in current system warning message in AutoPIPE

Applies To
Version(s):2004, XM, V8i 
Environment: N/A
Area: warning message
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
Mar. 2015


The following warning message is located in the model consistency check report:

* * * W A R N I N G - MODEL * * *
W726-14: No anchors in current system

What does it mean and how to avoid?


As mentioned in warning message, the current model does not have an anchor component. Typically if a model does not have an anchor it would allow the piping system to rotate about one or more of the 3 global axis (i.e. Global X, Y, or Z) thus resulting in the following Error message being displayed when running an analysis:

E801-1: FATAL ERROR : Unstable system. Need support at node xxx Dir X

However, if a model can be sufficiently restrained on all 3 global axis then no anchor is necessary. The easiest way to tell if a model is sufficiently restrained, run an analysis  and see if the E801-1 Fatal Error message appears. If the Error message appears, there are 2 options:

1. Add a support as mentioned in the error message


2. Insert an anchor (i.e. Rigid or Flexible).

Note: if your actual as-built system does not include a rigid anchor, consider adding a flexible anchor with very low values for all 6 Translational and Rotational stiffness values. 

See Also

Warnings Messages displayed in AutoPIPE

Bentley AutoPIPE