Adding a Work Area Connection

Creating a PWDI Work Area Connection

After creating a Design project in Bentley Infrastructure Cloud, the user is presented with a toolbar to interact with several features.

At the bottom of the toolbar is the Administration section.  Selecting this opens a secondary panel with further options. Select "Document settings" to continue.

The Document settings panel shows the existing document connections and their options for the project.  By default, the ProjectWise web "Documents" connection is shown as Primary.

To create another connection to an existing PWDI Work Area, click on the "New connection" button.

Give your new connection a name and copy/paste the URL of the target instance's Web Service Gateway (WSG).  Then click on the "Get datasource" button.

 From the Datasource drop-down list, select the PWDI instance you wish to connect to.  Then check "Use Bentley IMS authentication", select a Work Area from the resulting drop-down list and optionally type a description.

The remaining options are for use with PW Drive, and the PW user sync service.  Information on these options and how to use them can be found here; PW Drive and here; PW User Sync

Click the "Connect" button when finished.

This connection will now show up when selecting source files for iModel population & synchronization.