Document Settings allow users to securely configure web access to information stored in a ProjectWise work area connection. You can connect to any work area, given that you have a valid username and password
[Note: Before making a connection, make sure CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) is configured on your Web Services Gateway server (WSG).]
Check Getting Started: Bentley Web Services Gateway (WSG) or Contact your ProjectWise administrator for more details.
Select Administration – Document Settigs to create or modify a work area connection.
The Document settings panel will show the existing document connections and their options for the project. The default Documents storage is shown as Primary.
To create a connection to an existing ProjectWise Work Area, click on the New connection button.
ProjectWise Drive allow users to seamlessly and cost effectively work with files on their desktops by synchronizing all the files in your project to your local drive.
Only one connection in each project can be enabled for ProjectWise Drive at any given time. The recommended way to enable a connection for ProjectWise Drive is to make that connection the primary connection, which you can do either when creating the connection or by editing the connection properties. Making a connection to the primary connection automatically enables the use of ProjectWise Drive in that connection. When there is no primary connection, then you can explicitly enable any one connection in the project for ProjectWise Drive, again either when creating or editing the connection.
Enabling a connection for ProjectWise Drive will automatically disable the use of ProjectWise Drive in another connection if it is enabled there.
For existing connections where ProjectWise Drive had already been enabled (prior to the introduction of the primary connection feature), you can either leave that connection explicitly enabled for ProjectWise Drive, or you can make that connection the primary connection if needed (and ProjectWise Drive will still remain enabled).
You can see which work area connection is enabled for ProjectWise Drive by going to the Document settings page under Administration.
If a connection has been set as the primary connection, there will be a PRIMARY flag next to the name of the connection in the connections list. Remember that the primary connection is always enabled for ProjectWise Drive.
When creating a work area connection, users can choose to sync participants form that work area that are set in ProjectWise Explorer.
Project Owners can select the default storage for new Office 365 document co-authoring sessions or Sharepoint sites configured for co-authoring.