
My Work is where all the work items (Design Tasks, Issues, Document Review, etc) assigned to the logged-in user can be found. These can be viewed in multiple views (Table view, Calendar view, Model view). When clicking on a work item, you can access the thumbnail view and further review the work item.

Thumbnail View
Table View
Calendar View
Model VIew

Thumbnail View

When a work item is selected, the thumbnail view will slide in from the right-hand side, as shown below. Next, we are going to review this view in three parts.


Part One

  1. Expand will expand the thumbnail view to a wider view if needed.

  2.   Open in a new tab will open the work item to another page.

  3.   Edit will open the work item in edit view allowing changes to be made.

  4.   Reassign allows the form to be assigned to a different Team Member or Role and adjust the Due Date.

  5.  Escalate allows you to escalate your work item to a different type (i.e. escalate an Issue to an RFI).

  6.   More opens a drop-down menu where you can copy the work item, add related work item, or export the current work item to a pdf file for further distribution.

  7. Copy allows an existing work item to be duplicated.

  8. Add related allows you to search, select, and add related work items.

  9. Export to PDF allows you to export the selected work item to PDF including its Comments, Audit Trail, Images, and Attachments. You can export the PDF locally or export it to the Documents storage or your local drive. 

  10. General Info shows the properties of the work item – ID, Description, Priority, Status, Assigned to, Due Date, etc.


Part Two


  1. Related forms show all the work items that are related to the current one. A search box is also available for faster navigation.

  2. Media displays any attachments or links that have been added to the work item. These attachments can be downloaded or opened by selecting the 3 dots on the right of the attachment.

  3. Comments will display comments and allow users to add additional comments and information required for the form.

  4. Audit trail creates a list of who did what and when.

  5. Attachments allow you to add attachments from Your computer or the SYNCHRO Control Documents.


Part Three

  1. Map location displays the location that has been assigned on the map. The map location can be edited or deleted by selecting the three dots at the top right corner of the image.

  2. Model location displays the location that has been assigned to the model. The model location can be edited or deleted by selecting the three dots at the top right corner of the image.

  3. Transition (Submit) gives the option to transition the form to the next or previous status in the workflow.

Table View

In My Work, Table View can be set by selecting Table from the buttons at the right corner.

  1. Select Table  to enable the Table view.

  2. To Filter the table information, hover over the column header, and select the Filter icon. This will activate a text box where a value can be entered.

  3. To Sort the table information, hover over the column header and select the arrow icon. This will alphabetically sort ascending or descending based on the direction the arrow is pointing.

  4. Columns can be added or removed by selecting the icon on the far right side of the column header. Check the columns wanting to be displayed and uncheck them to remove them from the column header.

Calendar View

Calendar View shows all Tasks assigned to the user in an interactive Calendar. Tasks will be displayed in the calendar on the date they are due.

  1. Select Calendar 

  2. The calendar can be viewed by Day or Month. The arrows can be used to navigate to the next or previous Day/Month. Select Today to jump to the current date on the calendar.

  3. When the task in the Calendar is selected, a Thumbnail view will open with all the task information. Please refer to My Work – Thumbnail View 

  4. The Table View is accessible and resizable in Calendar View, along with its capabilities, including adding and removing columns, sorting, and filtering.


Model View

Model View will open the iModel Viewer and show all Forms assigned to the user that have a model location. 

  1. Select Model

  2. Select the iModel where you want to see the forms

  3. When the task in the Table View is selected, a Thumbnail view will open with all the task information.  The Table View is accessible and resizable  along with its capabilities, including adding and removing columns, sorting, and filtering.
  4. Forms markers are shown in the iModel Viewer to easily identify the forms location.