When working inside a Project, the Home Page is divided into three main parts:
- Header - Where you will see your Role in this project, the Project name and number, the Resource Center and your user name.
- Modules (the Sidebar)
- Main View, which adapts to which Modules you pick from the Sidebar.

Modules (the Sidebar)

All the Modules available in ProjectWise powered by iTwin are displayed and accessible from the widgets on the sidebar.
- Create – This is a quick link to create any form, such as Design Issue, Design Task or Design Document Review as well as any Custom Form.
- Home - Brings users back to the Project Homepage.
- Work - Contains a breakdown of tasks for My Work, Design Issue, Design Task or Design Document Review, as well as any Custom Form, that can be seen in multiple views (Table and Model).
- Documents - Access documents stored in the default Document storage or documents stored in ProjectWise Design Integration work areas, given that you have the necessary rights. Here you will also access Media Explorer to access all your images.
- Deliverables - Collaborate with External Organizations, with a configurable Approval workflow
- iModel - Create or Access iModel using the iModel Viewer to perform 3D Design Reviews, Clash Detection and Advanced analysis. Also you will be able to create and assign Issues
- Dashboard – Displays the information collected in Design Issue, Design Task or Design Document Review, as well as any custom form, in an easy-to-use interactive Project Dashboard.
- Administration – Contains multiple sections to manage and customize the different features, as Manage Roles and Participants, Document Settiings, Custom Forms and Deliverables Settings.

The Home module is where you would land most of the time when you enter a project. This view gives an overview of the project and your usage. The displayed content includes Weather, Recent activity, My work, Create, iModels, and Summary.

Top Bar

The top bar contains the following options:
- ProjectWise powered by iTwin My Projects page
– The button allows users to go back to the Bentley Infrastructure Cloud landing page to view and access all projects available for the users. - Navigating to Other Projects – When you select the pull-down, this lists all projects accessible to the users. The
denotes projects that are listed as favorites.

- Login Information – Displays users’ initial who are logged into the system. At the far-right hand side of the menu, at the pull down, user may access the user profile via View Profile and may also Sign Out from the project.

- View Profile shows the user information that is registered to the system.

Project name and weather

This area contains the basic info of your project with its name and weather info.

- Project Name - When selected, it will redirect the user to the Edit Project
- Favorite - Select the star to add this project to your favorites.
- Date and Weather - Denotes today’s date and weather. It will automatically be populated during the project provisioning based on the latitude and longitude coordinates of the project.
The Temperature Measurement (Fahrenheit and Celsius) is linked to the localization settings in the user’s browser. To change this setting, refer to the default browser’s localization settings help documentation.
Note: If the weather is missing or not set to the correct location, contact your project admin or refer to this wiki for details on registering the project location.

My Recent Activity and My Work

My Recent Activity gives quick views of all recent activities performed by the users including Design Task, Issues, Document Revies, etc, essentially the items that you have viewed.
My Work displays all the work items assigned to the logged-in user. If the work items have been given a Due Date, it will be shown under the title. To the right of the due date, it will identify how many days are left until it's due. Any overdue tasks are tagged in red
to get immediate attention.

Note that at the bottom of My work – View all, this link will open the Work Module, which will be explained in the next chapter.


Create is a quick link to create work items such as Document Review, Design Issue, Design Task or any other custom form


The iModel section allows quick access to any iModel that has been added to the project. You can select the left and right arrow to toggle through all the iModels. You can open the iModel in the iModel Viewer page by choosing the iModel.


The project Summary section displays the quick statistics of the project. For speedier information access, it’s divided into My work and Project.
My work displays a summary of the logged-in users’ work items. Identifying how many of each type of form in what statuses. The Project section, on the other hand, displays the overall project summary.