What is Media Indexing meant to do?
Media Indexing allows users to search and find media within their project without relying on users to bring in the media piece by piece. Instead, the Media is uploaded and stored in a central location. When the project needs access to that Media for any purpose, time is not spent trying to find media all over the place.
How do you search?
Searching is easy. All a user has to do is navigate to the Documents page and click on the Media Explorer tab to search. In addition, users can search for content, such as objects, within the media repository. Context for the media description is either entered when uploading the file or it is automatically labeled by the AI. Geolocation of the image (long/lat coordinates and date/time) is stored within its metadata.
How do you get to the Media Explorer?
Navigating to the Media Explorer is easy. Just login into your project, and click the Documents/Media Explorer tab. You can then start searching your project for indexed media by content, context, geolocation, and date/time.
What is the main workflow for Media Indexing?
The main workflow for Media Indexing is for users to attach the media to either new or existing forms. The Media is indexed when the Enable Media Indexing option is enabled when the user Registers a Project or when Modifying Project Details. Once this is done, the indexing all of the uploaded Media immediately begins. The time it takes to index the media depends on the size of the project and how many media files need to be indexed. Once completed, finding that needle in the haystack from Media Explorer is quickly done through the search option.