Forms Manager

  1. Go to Administration > Manage Forms.

    The following columns are provided to define information about the selected form:

    Form definition
    Form definition name
    Prefix   The prefix to generate a unique number
    Type                                      Form type
    Status                      Form status (Published, Draft or Archived)
    WorkflowWorkflow status (Enabled or Disabled)
    Filled outThe number of how many form instances have been created.
  2. To change a form Status, select a Form and click the Change Status   button.

  1. Forms have three status options:

    PublishedForm is in production stage and available in SYNCHRO Control/Field.

    Form is in design mode. Not available in SYNCHRO Control / Field. Form definition can only be edited while in a draft status.

    ArchivedForm is not available for new instance, only can view existing instance.
  1. Select the required status, then click Save.