Workflow Options and Settings

Workflow is the status and approval process for a form from start until finish. The Workflow can be customized by adjusting the Initialization, Status and Transition options and settings. These custom options include:

Initialization Settings

All forms start in an Initial State, a pre-status before the form enters a workflow. This allows a form to be filled out and cancelled if needed, without being saved and officially entering the workflow. 
The Initialization Settings control which fields are accessible on the form in the Initial State and defines certain properties and user notifications.

Status Options

Editable Properties: Defining what sections on the form are accessible to be filled out, based on the Status the form is in.
Visible To Role: Defines what Role can view the form based off the Status that the form is in.

Transition Options

Include Comment on Transition: Activates a comment box when the workflow transitions from one status to another. Users have the option to turn on, off, or make a comment required before the workflow can advance. 
Notify Users on Transition: Will send Roles or Team Members email notifications when the workflow transitions from one status to another.  
Permissions which can use this transition: Defines who can transition the workflow based off the Permissions assigned to a certain Role. 
Property Assignments: Allows the creation of assignment rules to determine the property Values, Time based Due Dates, and specify who transition should be Assigned to.

Initialization Settings

All Forms start in an Initial State, a pre-status before the form enters a workflow. This allows a form to be filled out and canceled if needed, without being saved and officially entering the workflow.

The Initialization Settings control which fields are accessible on the form in the Initial State and defines certain properties and user notifications.

Editable Properties

Editable Properties define what sections on the form are accessible to be filled out, based on the Status the form is.

  1. Any properties that are required to be populated in the initial state will remain in Editable Properties. Any properties that need to be greyed out can be selected and moved over to the Disabled Properties using the arrows.

  2. Properties are identified by the Binding assigned to the Control. Best practice is to add the form Section or Status name to the beginning of the binding, so they are easy to find in the Properties list.
  3. There are Default Properties that come with all Forms. Best practice is to leave these in the Editable Properties window. Removing these from the Editable sections can disable the ability to Pin the Map, Model.

Transitions - Edit Starting Transitions

Starting Transition settings allow certain Team Members or Roles to be notified on the transition from the Initial state. Certain Properties such as Assign To, Dates and other property values can be customized.  

  1. Select the Transition Name to open the Edit Starting Transition window.

    Note: There can be more than one transition listed, which are defined by the Starting Status option in the Status settings.

  2. The transition Name will be auto generated but can be customized to the user’s needs.

  3. The Status Transition cannot be adjusted or changed. Status Transition are defined by the Starting Status option in the Status settings.
  4. Notify Users on Transition will send Roles or Team Members email notifications when the workflow transitions from one status to another.

  5. Property Assignments allow the creation of assignment rules to determine the property Values, Time based Due Dates, and specify who the transition should be Assigned to.

Restore Defaults

Restore Defaults will reset all the settings in the Initialization settings, including the Edit Start Transition settings.

Note: Once Restore Defaults is selected it cannot be undone. All settings will manually need to be set again.

Status Options 

To add new Status, click on the Add Status button to display the Add Status dialog.

Status Options define what State is required when the workflow is in the selected Status, or, what sections on the form are accessible to be filled out, based off the Status the form is in. Users can assign what Roles can view the form when in a certain Status.

Status Actions

  1. Status Actions allow Statuses to be copied or deleted.

    Note: Status cannot be deleted if it is the only Starting status in the workflow.
  1. When a status is copied, user can choose to include the existing Transitions or not.

Transition Options

To Add the New Transition Button, click on the plus button shown below.  

Transition Options allow users to customize the actions when the workflow transitions from one status to another.