This example will show how Options can be used to show or hide columns on a log.
In this case, we will show two approaches for how you can use a Project Option to show or hide the Moisture Content column.
In order to hide a column, you need to be using a Strip within a Master Template. A Hide Condition must be entered for the Strip and the ‘Hide’ property must be selected for the Strip within the Strip Set.
Approach 1
The first approach is to add a Boolean ‘Yes/No’ Project Option that can be used to hide the column.
We’ll create a ‘HideMoistureContent’ Option header in a ProjectOption group with a Boolean Data Type.
We’ll then open our Moisture Content strip in Template Studio and go to Design>Strip Options and add a Hide Condition with the expression below. (Also don’t forget to set the Strip to Hide in the Strip Set – see above.)
We can then test and see that the Moisture Content column hides when selected to do so.
Approach 2
Many users set up Strips with Hide Conditions to automatically hide columns if there is no data for the column, such as with an expression like this:
With this approach, we will use automatic hiding as the default behavior but add a Project Option that can be used to show or hide the column and override the default behavior.
First, we’ll add a Picklist called ‘Options – HideShow’ with the values ‘Hide’ and ‘Show’.
Then we’ll create a HideShowMoistureContent Option header in a ProjectOption group with a Picklist Data Type.
We’ll then open our Moisture Content strip in Template Studio and go to Design>Strip Options and add a Hide Condition with the expression below. (Also don’t forget to set the Strip to Hide in the Strip Set – see above.)
([ProjectOptions.HideShowMoistureContent] <> 'Show' and count([AggregateAll.MoistureContent.MoistureContent]) = 0) or [ProjectOptions.HideShowMoistureContent] = 'Hide'
We can then test and see how this works.
If we leave the Project Option empty, the default behavior occurs. The column is shown for BH1, which has Moisture Content data, and is automatically hidden for TP1 which has no Moisture Content data:
Then if we set the Project Option to 'Show', the Moisture Content column is shown for both BH1 and TP1:
Then if we set the Project Option to 'Hide', the Moisture Content column is hidden for both BH1 and TP1:
There are many potential variations to how your Options and Hide Conditions can be set up to achieve the behavior you would like.