Units per Page Expression

The Units per Page Expression allows for the number of depth units (meters or feet) per page on a Borehole Log to be determined by an expression.

The Units per Page Expression can be set within Template Studio under Design>Template Setup.

Commonly, you may want to use Options to be able to vary the Units per Page on your logs. For more information, please see these articles:

However, the Expression can be as simple as a hard-coded value:

When generating Quick Logs, the Units per Page expression will override the Scale and Units per Page settings defined for the template.

Similarly, when generating Log Reports, it will override the Scale and Units per Page settings defined in the Report Profile.

A Units per Page Expression does not need to be entered.

If not entered, or if the expression does not return a value, the log will use the default Scale or Units per Page defined in the template or Report Profile when generating Quick Logs or Log Reports.

Additional Notes

If a template is set up to use 'Follow-on Mode', the Unit Per Page Expression will be found under the Follow-on tab. The default behavior is for the expression to determine the units per page for the 'follow-on pages' rather than the first page. The first page will be output with the same scale (but a different units per page if the Plot Area has a different height). For guidance on how to reverse this behavior and set the depth for the first page, please see this article.