Options Additional Considerations
- It is possible to have multiple Project Option and Location Option groups. For example, you could have ‘Log Options’, ‘CPT Report Options’, ‘Chart Options’, or whatever structure makes sense for how your organization will use Options. (Note that our Examples name these groups ‘ProjectOptions’ and ‘LocationOptions’, but you can name them whatever you like.)
- Options groups can be exported/imported in CSV format using the standard Data>Import Data or Export Data buttons within a project in OpenGround Professional.
- You might be wondering… “Options seem quite similar to standard data groups… Why have a different type of group just for Options?” While the interface and workflows for using Options groups are quite similar, they do have special behavior that allows them to be easily referenced in expressions (in ways that could not previously be done with standard groups). Also, from a data management perspective, it is good practice to isolate the Options from actual project data in separate groups, as well as in the separate Options folder in the Project Explorer.
- Options are not yet fully supported for use in Data Entry Profiles or Data Collector Profiles.