What is OpenGround Portal?

OpenGround Portal is a web native, efficient and performant ground investigation data editing interface. OpenGround Portal adds to our OpenGround cloud-based geotechnical information management platform that offers a secure, enterprise platform for collecting, reporting, managing, visualizing, analyzing and accessing geotechnical data.


Why is it in Tech Preview?

Our aim for this tech preview is to provide to a wide audience, an early, first look into our latest development, the OpenGround Portal. While OpenGround Portal will evolve to offer a broader range of capabilities, our initial goal was to improve overall performance, efficiency, and user experience of ground investigation data entry so that you can start to provide input early in our development process. 

Please note that features in the tech preview may not yet be fully supported, functionally complete or suitable for deployment in production environments so take that into account when using them. Also, we cannot guarantee that these tech preview features will be released under full support.


Who can have access?

OpenGround Portal is currently open to all OpenGround users regardless of your persona license entitlement. This was done such that you can all have access to our latest development and provide your input. Once the tech preview phase is over, and as capabilities of the Portal grows, licensing will follow the broader OpenGround Persona subscription licenses and their capabilities so that you only have access and use the appropriate licenses to what you need.


How can I access the Portal?

For optimized performance we recommend using the OpenGround Portal tech preview access using the latest Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browser with the following link: https://portal.openground.bentley.com/login


Will I get customer support?

As this is a preview of capabilities still under active development, you should expect to have bugs, issues and limitations and therefore can only offer limited support for cases that are deemed critical. We encourage you however to provide your input on improvements or enhancements on our Ideas Portal.

We have added some basic How-To's and Shortcut Keys Section for you to get started.

For more info on the known issues and limitations of the Tech Preview, refer to the Release Notes.


Where can I provide feedback?

We welcome your input to help us improve the Portal further. Use our Ideas Portal form to submit your feedback so that these can be evaluated and considered for future releases. Be sure to select OpenGround Portal from the Product Category so that your input goes to the right place.