Update 4.0 (
Released 11th March 2025
Review your field data with our new QuickView feature. This graphical display of your collected field data enables you to quickly identify conflicting data or gaps in your dataset. You'll also be able to seamlessly edit existing data or create new data through this view.
* Offline capability
* Graphically review data rapidly
* Edit or create new data entries directly through the QuickView
- Added support to delete multiple records
- Added alphabetical ordering to profile selection
Update 3.7 ( )
- Error logging improvements
- Fixed app crashing when profile syncing had incorrect syntax for expressions within an add action step via the Admin Portal
- Fixed a bug where app would crash when the use previous records button on headers was pressed
- Can delete records that are already synced to the cloud
Update 3.7 (
Released August 2024
- Added error messaging for duplicate location id is attempted to be created
- Added appropriate error messaging when a user doesnt have sufficiant role like create data
- Added mixed unit input/output primary units and secondary units
Update 3.6 (
Released on January 22 2024
What's New:
- Inform the user on the field when a data entry profile has changed and need to be refreshed on the tablet
- Display more informative message when there's a licensing issue
Update 3.6 (
Released on November 28th 2023
What's New:
- Ability to Search for Data Entry
- Leverage the "Auto-capitalization" Android keyboard settings
- Ability to add and edit data from a closed shift
Update 3.5 (
Released 12th October 2023
- Fix for empty duration fields defaulting to '00:00'
Update 3.5 (
Released 29th August 2023
- Added functionality for creating multiple steps within the end shift step as an action
- newest shift now appears at the top
- support from time format in date time field
- support for seconds
- new message added for downloading a project
- option to print only 1 sample label
- copyrights updated to 2023
- help button takes user to correct communities page
- message informing changes will be lost doesnt show now if no changes are made
- added more logging for authenticating
- added ability to delete project even if location data has not been synced first
- App updated to API level 33 for Play Store compatibility
Update 3.4 (
Released 11th July 2023
- Added support for durations being used as a default value
- Fixed a bug affecting how calculated values were processed and in some scenarios would not show the correct value.
- Fixed a bug which was caused by a duplicate picklist value. This is now ignored
Update 3.4 (
Released 21st March 2023
- Bug fix when syncing data to cloud where data has been deleted
Update 3.4 (
Released 12th December 2022
- Ability to customize Shift enabled data entry profiles
- Ability to attach a shift log to location to keep track of what has been logged within a shift
- Improve the process of copying a data entry profile within a configuration pack
- Add description to photos
- Bug fixes
Update 3.3 (
Released 13th September 2022
Update 3.2 (
Released 08th August 2022
- Ability to search for projects to be downloaded on the tablet
- Fixed a bug where exceptionally long project titles would prevent the project from being removed from the device
- Fixed a bug with the time fields which would display duration incorrectly
- Fixed a bug where sub steps tables which also have a further sub step wouldnt show on the device
Update 3.1 (
Released 16th June 2022
- Fixed a UI navigation bug which would return users to list of shifts after entering step data instead of going directly back to step list
- Fixed a UI navigation bug which would load the tablets camera after adding image to a step when pressing back
- Fixed a bug which would force users to sign again if they close the app and lose a connection
Update 3
Released 19th May 2022
- Shift Enabled Profile Support
- Ability to filter available locations to be downloaded on the app
- Updated Copyrights to 2022
- Fixed a bug with substeps of filtered parents not targetting correct parent record for child data entry
- Fixed a bug where child steps with same name but different parent steps are not displayed
- Fixed a bug with the step count for a child of a filtered parent record would be incorrect
- Improved error message visibility in the app by adding next and previous buttons so each error has its own box
- Fixed a bug which would show incorrect error message when downloading locations
- Removed delete icon for records which have been synced to the cloud.
- Only non synced records can be deleted off the device
- This is to prevent issues around data thought be be deleted but is not
- New cloud icon will show in the grid to let users know its synced to the cloud
- Fixed bug with search function not working with lower cases, or spaces
- Fixed a bug where changing the order of the steps wipes them from their display group
- Fixed a bug where long titles for a step overwrites the check icon if the field is a quicklist
- Fixed a bug where the app would crash viewing the policy page
- Added a function to copy the all the previous records data as long as its not sample ID, depth top, depth base and sample reference
- Fixed a bug with the way the app handles the validation rules for the default expression ()now
Update 2:
Released 18th November 2021
- Fixed picklists randomly sorted when no display order entered.
- Added support for Boolean fields.
- Fixed the crash when entering description for some users.
Released 1st October 2021
- Fixed the issue where cloud details were not loading for existing users.
Released 15th September 2021
- Added the possibility to include photos during the backup process.
Released 9th August 2021
- Added new functionality when creating the project you can now activate the project using "Active for Field Data Collection" to be visible in Data Collector.
Released 30th July 2021
- Compatible with the new OpenGround Cloud, now running on Microsoft Azure
- Improved Battery and Memory Usage
- Ability to take lots of photos against a borehole
- Fixed an issue with the Repeat Count not working for Attach Picture
- Fixed an issue with Sample ID when imported in Excel
- Fixed an issue where Long geological descriptions get cut off in both the descriptions list and in the edit description page
- Fixed an issue where unable to exit step with multiple quick lists without going through all items
Update 1 :
Released 8th January 2021
- Updated app to handle the addition of the Location Details step which is configurable from within the admin portal.