Replicate Location

Replicate Location is a tool that can be used to “make a copy” of an existing Location’s data.

The tool is currently available in OpenGround Professional and Data Entry and may be available in other applications in the future.

The tool can be used by clicking on the Replicate Location button within the Data Ribbon.

This will open the Replicate Location dialog.

Select the Location from the drop-down menu that you would like to copy.

Enter the Location ID of the new Location you’d like to create. You can enter a single ID, or you can create multiple new Locations by entering each new Location ID on a separate line.

The Group selection window will be populated with the Groups that contain data for the selected Location. Only Groups that are direct children of Location Details will be populated. (This is because “grand-child” tables often contain test results/readings that are not likely to be the same across Locations.)

You can select the Groups from which you would like to copy data. You have 2 options for Group selection…

You can “Copy Key Values”, which will copy only the data from the Key Headers. Key Headers are shown in bold in the Professional grids and uniquely identify each record. This option may be useful for certain Groups, such as Sample Information, where you want to replicate the sample intervals, but other data may be undesirable to replicate since it will vary between Locations.

You can also “Copy All Values”, which will copy the data from all headers. If you select this option, Copy Key Values will automatically be selected. This option may be useful for certain Groups, such as Field Geological Descriptions, where all data may be similar between Locations and thus desirable to replicate.

When you click Replicate, the new Locations will be created with the selected data.

Additional Information:

Data in the Location Details Group related to coordinates and ground levels/elevations will not replicated. This includes the following Headers: Chainage, Easting, EastingTraverseEnd, GroundLevel, GroundLevelEnd, Latitude, LatitudeEnd, LatitudeNumeric, LocalLevel, LocalLevelEnd, LocalXEnd, LocalXGrid, LocalYEnd, LocalYGrid, Longitude, LongitudeEnd, LongitudeNumeric, Northing, NorthingTraverseEnd, Offset.

If you replicate the Sample Information Group and Sample ID’s are entered, a new GUID will be created for each Sample ID. This is because a Validation Rule in OpenGround can be used to require unique Location ID’s. If Sample ID’s are blank in the selected Location, they will be blank in the new Locations.