Access Levels & Roles

Access levels in OpenGround are structured hierarchically as presented in the figure below

System Administrator Access
This is the highest level of access a user can have on the system. These users will have full unrestricted access to all the functions, controls and projects in OpenGround.  
This access level is typically reserved for the organisations Power users that need full control on the platform and setting up the system for the entire organisation. No access restrictions can be placed for this role.

Follow this guide to Assign System Administrator 

System Level Access
This is similar to “System Administrator Access” but allows restrictions to be placed on the user via Security Groups. This access level is not associated with any particular project but at assigned at the system level. Examples of this is the Project Creator Group which contains the Create Project role. Note that roles assigned at this level will propagate down to the project level and will apply to all projects.

Follow this guide to Assign System Level Access 

Project Level Access
This user access level is defined in reference to a project and controlled via Security Groups.
Example: User 1 could be assigned a “View Only” Security Group to Project 1, but also assigned “Project Manager" Security Group for Project 2.
The roles in this access level suitable for users that are working within a project.

Follow this guide to Manage Project Access 

Security Groups and Roles
Specific access within System Level Access and Project Level Access are controlled within via Security Groups, and is made up of individual Security Roles. This is designed to give granular control over user’s access within each Security Group.
The below figures presents creation of security groups in System level and Project level access, and assigning roles to Security Groups

Note: You can delete security groups, however OpenGround will not allow deletion of groups that have been already assigned to a user and will give an error message.

System Level Access Vs Project Level Access

Full list of available roles in system level access and project level access is presented in figure below

Security Roles

View Your Access Level
Users who are not System Administrators can view their own Security Group access to projects. This is done via the Preferences tab.
When you log into OpenGround Cloud Professional, click on the Preferences tab; there, you will find a button labelled View Access.

When you click on View Access, a read-only dialog window will be displayed and will show you a complete list of all the projects you are assigned to, and the Security Group associated with that Project.