In template studio there is a General item named Legend Block. The legend block can be placed on a Project Sheet, Borehole Log or Quick Section.
For Legend Blocks, only images and descriptions actually used in a project or selected locations in a project are shown in the legend.
More than one Legend Block can be used on a single sheet or log.
Legends are ordered alphabetically by the description.
Descriptions can be the Value or Description for a picklist, or created by a expression for a more complex description that may include punctuation or other details.
Users can create a legend block for any field with a picklist in OpenGround. There is an option for an image, point symbol or text for the legend.
If an image or point symbol is selected as the source for the legend and an image or point symbol is not assigned in a picklist, then the image area will appear blank in the image area. A description will appear.
When viewing a legend via project sheet in Professional you will see the following in the legend(s):
Logs will only show the items in the legend that are present in the location listed on the log.
For more information, please see this article on Configuring Legend Blocks.