Configuring Legend Blocks

Once you have added a Legend Block to a template you must configure it for output.

There are many parts to the legend block to fill the space. The table below explains the name and function.

Field Name


Symbol Source

Where you want the "image" to come from. This can be the image, symbol or text in a picklist


The table you are pulling the symbol data from. For example, Field Geological Descriptions or Sample Information

Description Source

The value or description in the picklist table


This is the description expression if you want something other than the picklist values. For example you can create a USCS description as follows: [StratumDetails.USCS] + ': ' + [StratumDetails.USCS.Description]

Number of Rows

The number of rows you want in the table. There can be more rows than legend items. If you use 5 rows, and use 3, the area below row 3 will be blank.

Number of Columns

The number of columns you want in the table. There can be more columns than legend items. If you use 3 columns, and use 2, the area adjacent to row 2 will be blank.

Legend Fill Order

The order you want to fill the legend: rows first or columns first.

Rows Gap

The gap between rows (see diagram).

Columns Gap

The gap between columns (see diagram).

Legend Item Height

The height of the legend item (image and text area height must be the same)

Symbol Width

The width of the symbol. Likely the same as the height.

Symbol Description Gap

The gap between the symbol and the description.

Description Width

The width of the description.

Symbol Border Thickness

The thickness of the border. Default is 0.

Symbol Border Color

The color of the border if present.

Symbol Border Pattern

The pattern of the border line for symbols.

Symbol Border Pattern Offset

The offset for the border pattern.

Point symbol Scale X

Changes the original point symbol size in the X direction.

Point symbol Scale Y

Changes the original point symbol size in the Y direction.

Point Symbol Width Percentage

Scales a point symbol width based on dimensions of the image boundary. Default is 100% of the image boundary

Point Symbol Height Percentage

Scales a point symbol height based on dimensions of the image boundary. Default is 100% of the image boundary.

Point Symbol Horizontal Alignment

Typically, if filling the entire space this won't matter. But if you aren't you may want left, center or right

Point Symbol Vertical Alignment

Typically, if filling the entire space this won't matter. But if you aren't you may want top, center, or bottom


When filling a legend block space, the space filled by the dimensions above (less the symbol border thickness) must be equal to or less than the legend block area. If either dimension is exceeded (height or width) when trying to preview a report, warnings for the appropriate dimension are given.

The total height of a legend when putting in dimensions is the sum of the following:

Number of Rows X (Legend Item Height + Rows Gap + Rows Gap) – Rows Gap (Note: the last rows gap does not occur. The images will go right to the line)

This must be less than or equal to the merged block height where you are putting the legend block

The total width of a legend when inputting dimensions is the sum of the following:

Number of Columns X (Symbol Width + Symbol Description Gap + Description Width +Columns Gap) – Columns Gap.

This must be less than or equal to the merged block width where you are putting the legend block.


An example of an excel spread sheet used to keep track is shown below. The planned block will fit in the legend area. The fill order does not influence if a designed legend fits in to a merged area.

The image below diagrams the items.

If the column space is too wide for the area merged and selected, or too high, a warning is given when generating the preview in Template Studio.

For example, the legend shown above is 88 mm wide and two columns. If changed to 3 columns it is 106 mm wide. When generating the preview a warning, shown below, was given. The width of the legend must be reduced by reducing one of the column factors. Returning the number of columns to two will work. Other options include: reduce the description width, gaps between columns, or gap between the image and description.


A similar warning is given if the legend is too tall for the merged legend area.

 The text in the legend block area is controlled by the Format and Alignment areas in the Design ribbon.