Advanced Calculated Fields

You can add a calculated field to any grid header within a group located within the Configuration Packs Model Manager, however you may wish to add a new header to an existing group and set this as a calculated field after entering an expression for use within the field. You are able to use expressions to reference parent data groups. The following instructions will show you how to set up a calculated field using the example of referencing a geology within the SPT grid.

Select the System Menu and choose Configuration Packs the select the Model Manager.

Select Standard Penetration Test Results and click Edit.

Select Add Header and fill the details for the new field which is going to be set as a calculated. (See below screenshot)

In May 2023, the behavior upon clicking Save changed. Please see this article explaining the new behavior. The description below describes the previous behavior, and is included here for documentation purposes only...

Press save, A Select Projects dialog window will be displayed.

You will need to choose which projects you want to apply the calculated field to. Once a project/s are chosen press OK. (note that you do not have the option to cancel so if you do not want to apply to any project do not select one just press OK this will effectively act as a cancel.) OpenGround will now process the calculation for the projects/s specified and when complete will display the edit group screen again.

Click Save and close the Model Manager.

To confirm that the new field has been added successfully open the Project you applied it to.

A point to note is that if you hadn't set certain projects from the listĀ above to be calculated if then go into any of these projects thereafter OpenGround will prompt you to either calculate them now or not.

If you choose to do this, then the message will only display the once if you leave and re-enter the project. If you cancel, then it will appear again if you exit and re-enter.

Users who are not Administrators or have Project Manager access will get a warning message to confirm that a calculated field is set up for the project and data will need reprocessing, they are advised to contact the System Administrator who will be able to reprocess the calculated field.