OpenGround Cloud Professional allows for the import of AGS data to populate the database. To import an AGS file into the database, the project will firstly need to be created on the Project List screen.

For more information on creating a project, see the Creating a Project section of this user guide. To import AGS data, open the project and browse through to the Import Data option on the Data tab of the ribbon.

Once selected, the Data Import screen will appear, allowing for the required AGS file to be selected for import. Select the type of file from the format drop-down list at the top and then select Add. A file explorer will then appear allowing for selection of the AGS file(s) as required.

Ensure that the correct version of AGS is selected. There are (at the time of writing) either AGS 3.1 or AGS 4 formats available for import. For further information on AGS files please see the AGS website at

Once selected, select the Next button to validate the files. If the AGS file(s) passes validation then the Next button will appear allowing for the next stage of the data import process.

If the data does not pass validation for any reason, then a summary will appear explaining the cause. Click on the Errors hyperlink under the file to find out further information on the errors. If a file does not import due to errors, then contact the Bentley Support team for further help.

During the import process, OpenGround Cloud Professional may report that any imported files have warnings against them. If any files report warnings during import but no errors, then these files will import without issue. We would however recommend that any warnings are reviewed to ensure data integrity.

If any files report an error, then the import will not be successful.

Once the files have passed validation, a summary screen will appear showing a brief rundown on the location data that will be imported from the AGS file. The data has not been imported at this point, so the AGS import can be cancelled with no effect on existing data.

The next screen is the Group Screen from here you are able to select one or more groups from which to import data from. This provides you with control over what grids you wish import, for example you may only wish to import data from the Locations and Samples group and nothing else. To do this simply uncheck the boxes of the groups you do not wish to import and click next when ready.

The next screen to appear will be the summary of changes made to the different tables within OpenGround Cloud Professional. Any new data will be counted against the Additions column; any updates will be listed against the Updates column and any data that is not going to be affected will be listed in the Unaffected column. The data has not been imported at this point, so the AGS import can be cancelled with no effect on existing data.

If the AGS file has passed all the validation checks and you are happy with the changes mentioned in the above screens, select the next button to commit the data into the database. After import, select the finish button to return to the project summary screen.