Run Time Functions can be used in certain Template expressions to return information about the report being generated.
For additional information on other functions and expressions in general, please see our Functions Guide and Expressions Guide.
There are many uses for Run Time Functions, but one example would be to add a "tracking code", such as in the footer area of a report. For example, the expression below could be used on a Master Template:
'Template: '+[Paging.TemplateName]+' / Strip Set: '+[Paging.StripSetName]+' / Produced on : '+text(now(),'MMMM dd yyyy')+' by OpenGround'
The following Run Time Functions are currently available:
Gives the depth at the end of the current page.
Gives the elevation at the end of the current page.
Gives the depth at the start of the current page.
Gives the elevation at the start of the current page.
Gives the Dynamic Log Template Type (where applicable). For example, can be used in a Description Bar of a Dynamic Log to indicate information about the transition between different Template Types.
Gives the Dynamic Log Template Name (where applicable).
Gives the next Dynamic Log Template Template Type (where applicable). For example, can be used in a Description Bar of a Dynamic Log to indicate information about the transition between different Template Types.
Gives the previous Dynamic Log Template Template Type (where applicable). For example, can be used in a Description Bar of a Dynamic Log to indicate information about the transition between different Template Types.
Gives the depth scale of the current page.
Gives the total number of pages in the generated output.
Gives the page number of the current page.
Gives the Strip Set name (where applicable) used on the current page.
Gives the Template Name used on the current page.