Creating a Picklist Set

First select the Configuration Pack the Picklist Set will be associated with and click on the Manage Picklist Sets Icon from the ribbon.

The main Picklist Sets dialog will be displayed.

Press Create and choose an appropriate name and description for the set. Press Save to commit the changes.

The newly created set will now appear in the main dialog.

From here the bottom row of command buttons will now be displayed. The options are: Create a new pack, Edit the name of an existing one, Manage Picklist in set, Delete an existing set (as long as it is not in use within a project), and Close the dialog.

To add picklists to the newly created set click the Manage Picklists button. From here you will be presented with a dialog that allows you to select a Picklist group from the drop-down list. This list is the exhaustive list from HBSI and will show all picklist groups available.

Select a group for example Sample Information-Type. You will see a list of all available picklists in that group on the left. To allocate a picklist from that group to the set simply select a picklist and press the arrow cursor.

After selecting those that you wish to add from that group into the set, you must press Save to commit the changes.

If you select a different group from the drop down before pressing save you will receive a warning message.

Once you have saved the picklists from that group added to the set you can select another group from the drop-down.

Repeat the process of adding picklists from their groups into the set. When finished you can close the dialog.