Default Locations Styling

You are able to style various aspects of how the Locations appear on the background map. The areas of customisation are:

Size of Location symbol - Ability to change size based on zoom level Add/change Labels and style also based on zoom level Adding/changing tooltips for the Locations.

The Locations Styling are styled within the Configuration Pack and not per project, so it is important to note that the styles will carry across all the projects within that Configuration Pack.

Select Default Locations from the Configuration Tools menu, by default there will be pre-configured location styles available. These styles can be modified or deleted and new ones created if required.

From the above image you can see that Location symbols have been defined and zoom levels set per size. These can be amended by selecting an area you wish to adjust and applying the changes.

If you want to remove a layer, select the layer a press Remove.

You can also copy a selected layer by highlighting the one you want to copy and selecting the Copy button.

The example below shows that the symbol size will increase when the zoom level changes from 2-3 and again from level 4.

Default Location Labels

There will be default Location Labels already displayed when you select the Labels tab in the Map Layer Styles dialog. As with the Location Point symbols these can be customised or removed and replaced with new user created ones if required.

To access the Map Layer Styles option, open OpenGround Cloud Professional and browse through to the Configuration Packs option that is under the System tab, then select the pack that you wish to change in the grid. Once that has been done, select Default Locations from the ribbon.

The following window will then appear allowing you to make edits.

Click on the Labels tab to view the default Labels.

The default labels are shown initially but, as with the label point symbols, these can be fully customised, this includes removing existing labels, copying them or editing them.

The same level of customisation available for Location Groups and Saved Searches can be applied to the labels. You are able to customise the label being displayed for the default locations and style its colour, Label Opacity, Label size, offset position and finally zoom levels per label.

In the below example labels to show Location ID, Location Type, and Final Depth of hole are created and show different colours per label and will change between zoom levels 1-2 and 3-4.

Default Location Tooltips

The final area for customising is adding tooltips to the Default Locations. As previously discussed, by default there are already tooltips created to show: Location ID, Location Type, Easting and Northing. However these can be changed based on what you wish to show. You can add a name to each property in the order it appears on the map and the tooltip property being displayed

The below example shows the default tooltips created.

As long as you have data within HBSI for the fields present in the tooltip Headers then it will display that data when the label is selected on the map. Press Save to commit all changes made.

Viewing Changes on Map

After configuring the Locations styles within the map styles dialog you are now able to view the results within a Project.

First open any project, select the mapping ribbon. The changes made will be apparent when the map loads. Use the zoom in and out function in order to view the location style changes made earlier.

Review the options available in the Map Styles dialog to see what is available for use and try out different styling options as required.