Introduction to Configuration Packs

Use configuration packs to enable customisation that can be applied to more than one project.

Where changes are made within the configuration pack (e.g., additional components are imported), they are then reflected in all the associated projects. This is done under the Configuration Packs interface.

New configuration packs can be created by either adopting the components associated with a project which has already been configured or an existing configuration pack. There is also the option to create a pack from a.hbp file which is a previously exported configuration pack.

Click the Create Pack button and the Create Configuration Packs window will open.

It is then possible to choose whether to create a configuration pack from a Project, a Configuration Pack or import a hbp file. If you are choosing to create from an existing project or Configuration Pack, select the relevant option and then either the source Project or Configuration Pack. Give the new Configuration Pack a name and select create.

If you want to create a new pack from a hbp file select the option and browse for the file in the saved directory, choose an appropriate name and click create.

The new Configuration Pack will now contain all the components found in the source Project or Configuration Pack. Additional components can be imported using the Manage Components button. This interface also allows components to be rendered inactive, the Component Type drop-down providing a filter. To open this, select the Configuration Pack within the list then select the Manage Components button from the ribbon.

The Manage Components window will then appear allowing for individual components to be edited.

The Edit Pack button can be used to change the title of a configuration pack or change the Active status.

Configuration Packs that are not active will be hidden from selection when creating new projects. Additionally, the Options button can be used to control various formatting settings. Alternatively, any components that have come from an external source can be imported into the system with the use of the import button. Simply select import, select the required file and select import.

Note that the drop-down for component type does not need to match the component type that is being imported. OpenGround Cloud Professionalwill automatically scan the incoming file and place the containing components into the correct category.