The process for importing CSV data is exactly the same as it is for AGS data.

The CSV file name must be the group name as it appears in the Project Explorer and the first row of the CSV file must contain headers with the same name as appears on the top of the data grid. In the example below the header would be "Location ID" and the filename would be "Location Details.csv".

An easy way to get an example CSV file is to use the CSV icon on the data grid ribbon to export to CSV. This file can then be edited and imported back into OpenGround Cloud Professional using this CSV import routine.


CSV Import Format Options

When importing a CSV file, an option for Format Options will become available allowing for the selection of the formats of the incoming data.

Selecting this option will open a window where all of the required settings can be set. This helps the application process the incoming data correctly.

The following settings will effect how the number values will be handled in the incoming data. A preview of the applied values is presented in the Example at the bottom of the form.