Hide and Show Conditions

With the introduction of Dynamic Logs, the strips have had a number of updates to allow for multiple extra functionality when used in conjunction with these. When designing a strip, select the Strip Options button from the ribbon, where the Strip Options dialogue will then appear allowing for an expression to be entered that can be used to query whether the strip should be displayed or not on strip set output.

This expression is based off the location details table. In the example above, there is a query to find out if there are any water strikes within this location, if there are then this will return False, telling the application that the Hide option should not be invoked.

Hide Conditions will commonly use Aggregate functions/expressions similar to the example above. Options Groups can also be used in Hide Conditions to allow users to select if a Strip should be hidden, as explained in this guide.

When setting up Strip Sets, different strips can be selected to hide and show using the checkboxes. If a strip is set to hide, and the expression in the strip options dialogue is False, then the strip will show on the output. If the condition is True than the strip will not show on the output and all of the other strips will be pulled into the space left by the missing strip, leaving a gap on the right-hand side of the template.

To fill in this gap, other strips can be selected as expandable. This means that if a strip is hidden on the template, any missing space will be filled in with this strip expanding into the space available. If more than one strip is selected as expandable then the selected strips will be expanded equally into the available space.