Once all the columns have been set up as strips you will need to combine them into Set of Strips or Strip Set so they are easier to select.
You will need to go back to your Master Template and select the Strip Set button in the top ribbon.
Continue by adding on the bottom left side and giving the Strip Set a name. When you do this, you will see all the compatible strips that you have set up in Template Studio.
Move the strips you want to show to the right-hand side. You will see there is the space left on the page in the bottom left corner. Once you have all the strips on the right, check the sizes. If you find you have run out of space, you can select to change the size using the columns column or you can automatically size one to fit the space (this is the same as expand to fill available space on a normal template).
You can preview your strip sets as normal but you can also select between the strip sets at the top of the preview window