- OpenCities Map CONNECT Edition FAQ

Bentley Map refers to the V8i product line.

OpenCities Map refers to the CONNECT Edition product line.

How can I upgrade from V8i to CONNECT Edition?

There are two possibilities to upgrade from V8i to the CONNECT Edition:

1. If you own Bentley Map PowerView V8i or Bentley Map V8i or Bentley Map Enterprise V8i:

  • Then you can upgrade to CONNECT Edition at no cost.  The same SES license will work for both V8i (SS10) and CONNECT Edition.

2. If you own MicroStation V8i and Bentley Map for MicroStation V8i you have two choices:

  • You can decide to exchange your Bentley Map V8i for MicroStation license for an OpenCities Map Advanced CONNECT Edition license.  There is no cost for this license exchange however the price of SELECT will increase.
  • Or, you can decide to exchange both the MicroStation V8i and Bentley Map V8i for MicroStation licenses for one license of OpenCities Map Ultimate CONNECT Edition.  There is no cost for this exchange, however the price of SELECT will increase.

For pricing information, please contact your Bentley Sales representative or account manager.

Where can I find the  "for MicroStation" version for Map SELECTseries 10?

Previous versions of Map included a layered option to install on an existing seat of MicroStation. This “For MicroStation” layered option has been discontinued in the CONNECT editions.

If you own MicroStation V8i and Bentley Map V8i for MicroStation you have two choices:

  • You can decide to exchange your Bentley Map V8i for MicroStation license for an OpenCities Map Advanced CONNECT Edition license.  This can be done at any time, no need to wait for a Portfolio Balancing date. Simply speak with your Bentley Account Manager, or file a Case via the Service Portal with the Bentley Contracts office asking for the exchange. There is no cost for the exchange however the price of SELECT will increase.

  • Or, you can decide to exchange both the MicroStation V8i and Bentley Map V8i for MicroStation licenses for one license of OpenCities Map Ultimate CONNECT Edition.  This can be done at any time, no need to wait for a portfolio balancing date. Simply speak with your Bentley Account Manager, or file a Case via the Service Portal with the Bentley Contracts office asking for the exchange.   There is no cost for the exchange however the price of SELECT will increase. 
Will Bentley Map V8i for MicroStation work with the MicroStation CONNECT Edition?No. The 32-bit architecture of Bentley's V8i products is incompatible with MicroStation CONNECT Edition's 64-bit architecture.  All CONNECT Edition products are 'standalone'.
When can a Bentley Map for MicroStation CONNECT Edition be expected?The OpenCities Map Advanced and Ultimate products will not be available in layered versions in the CONNECT Edition release. As with all CONNECT Edition products, OpenCities Map PowerView CONNECT, OpenCities Map Advanced CONNECT, and OpenCities Map Ultimate CONNECT are standalone products.
When will I have access to Bentley's Cloud Services, that are integrated seamlessly with the MicroStation CONNECT Edition?Bentley Cloud Services became available in Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 4).
When was OpenCities Map CONNECT Edition released?The initial release of the OpenCities Map CONNECT Edition was spring of 2018.  The product was renamed in 2020 to OpenCities Map Advanced CONNECT Edition.
Can I install the Map CONNECT Edition on the same machine that has Map V8i?

Yes, but be sure to install it in a different folder.  You may use both editions on the same computer, but take care not to use them simultaneously.  Doing so would invalidate the SELECT Support Agreement, and possibly incur additional fees.

Where can I find information about expiring support for older versions of Bentley Map?

Please refer to Bentley Support Policy.

Where can I find more information on the changes to workspaces and configuration in the CONNECT Edition? 

There are a number of pages dedicated to the configuration changes.  Please refer to the following links: 

Which versions of Map use the Subscription Entitlement Services (SES)?

Subscription Entitlement Service was introduced with OpenCities Map CONNECT Edition Update 2 ( and Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10). 

Subscription Entitlement Service does not use activation keys. To enhance security, the licensing requires users to be registered in Bentley User Management and then sign in with those credentials to access the application. Please refer to the following links: 

When I download OpenCities Map, I only get a small .exe file.  When I run the exe, it downloads installation files.  How can I keep those installation files so that I can distribute them to my users? 

To distribute installation files to your users, you'll need to create a deployment image.  Please refer to the following article for further details:

My users don't have an internet connection.  How can they install OpenCities Map products?

You'll need to create a deployment image as described in the following article:

I have third-party add-ons for Bentley Map V8i.  Will they work in the OpenCities Map Advanced CONNECT Edition?

OpenCities Map Advanced CONNECT Edition is a 64-bit application. While the DGN file format has not changed, the following will need attention.

  • MDL and native code applications will need to be recompiled.
  • VBA applications may require some modification.
  • MicroStation BASIC macros will no longer function and will have to be rewritten in another supported language.

Note: If you are running third-party applications in Bentley Map V8i, then please contact the authors directly to ask if they have plans to port their application to the OpenCities Map CONNECT Editions.