- CONNECT Edition Update 6 (

ReferenceSummary DescriptionKeyword(s) 
864081Grouped Hole elements are not deleted after promoteGeospatial Adminstrator
952354OpenCities Map PowerView is missing some Ribbon Groups


1012937Dialog boxes need to be resized in the Geospatial Administrator


1046249A specific WFS URL connects, but with only 10 features queried


1046760Split two polygons at the same time, but the circle/ellipse gives unexpected results


1055522After a Split Polygon, the symbology display is not updated as expected

Map Manager

1068507XFM Collection Features are only displaying the parent feature as MicroStation Elements

Map Manager

1068841A blocked collection will not split properly


1068954MapCSUtilities dll error is produced when creating a print model from Placed Grids

Print Preparation

1080997The Browse button icon becomes disabled when the Specify Schema (XSD) checkbox.


1085987Unable to Split Polygon on a Rotated View.  Seems to only work in a Top View


1087210GSA will hang when trying to use Register Feature from an Oracle 12c Cloud Database


1087491In the Add GML dialog box, the Browse button for Specify Schema (XSD) option is not disabled when unchecked


1087622Queried WFS Features placed on a DGNLIB level will not toggle on/off via the Level Display dialog box


1089848The Exported Annotation label and textbox  are overlapping the dialog box in the display


1089972VBA Files are missing from the /PrintPreparation/bin folder in the CONNECT Edition

Print Preparation

1090390Map Update 5 does not show the Domain lists in the Data Browser when using an Oracle Spatial connection


1090828Incorrect "New Mode" prompt when the Split Polygon tool is active when changing from a 2D to 3D model


1090967For a PostGIS connection, the ECSchema is incomplete while opening the PostGIS Storage


1093396In the Export MicroStation Elements tool, a specific polygon collection resulted in a crash

Map Manager

1093545Newtonsoft.Json.dll was missing from GeoECSDKNuGet


1093575Specific DGN Files would crash when opening from a key-in process


1093580Register Feature of a PostGIS Connection with a coordinate system defined resulted in a fatal error


1094146A specific WFS Connection results in an error "The GML Schema can't be found"


1094260For a specific Feature, the color cannot be applied on a Cell with Text

Map Manager

1094261No Fill Color can be applied to a specific Cell with a ShapeMap Manager
1094341A Custom Line Style is not exported as-expected using Export MicroStation ElementsMap Manager
1094424Previous-version WFSX files do not open in Map CONNECT Update 5Interoperability
1095561The Text Placeholder level name is being used incorrectlyPrint Preparation
1095944ArcGIS data is missing in a Join from a specific dialog boxMap Manager
1096258A Polygon Collection Feature with a custom line style and transparency defined creates a crashXFM
1096396Using Export MicroStation Elements from a Map Definition, the Collection Features are not exported to Item Types as-expectedMap Manager
1096904Using the Place Feature tool, some features are not recognized as 'new'Geospatial Administrator
1096920The AutoPromote tool creates some features that are unable to Post to a PostGIS database when the auto-generated Sequence ID is enabledGeospatial Administrator
1097049An Annotate Method key-in results in a crashXFM
1097275The Key-in ACTIVATE FEATURESETTINGS rootFeatureName does not change the active transparency or display priorityMap Manager