- CONNECT Edition Update 16.3 (


The following issues have been corrected and/or added to the OpenCities Map CONNECT Edition Update 16.3, version, dated June 02, 2022.  Review your Service Request and the Reference # below to see if it has been fixed in this release.

ReferenceSummary DescriptionKeyword(s) 
751290Request to support both simple geometry and geometry collections when matching graphical sources to existing XFM featuresGSA
751298In Save As/Batch Convert, add options to apply inference rules, legacy rules to promote DFS to XFM featureDFI
751302Request key-ins to close and/or toggle Command Manager dialogCommand Manager
751307Connect existing feature to graphical sourceGSA
751312Please provide a SQL-level extension mechanismPostGIS
751393Translate Stella Map to EnglishStella
751447By Default, request for the Command Manager dialog not open on startingCommand Manager
751939Same template assigned for Text and Shape elementPrint Preparation
751943MS_GEOXFM_SRC_SCHEMA variable not pointed properly to StellaMap.xmlConfiguration
751946If linear feature is cut in two, other part loses feature dataTopology
751948Using MS_GEOXFM_BORDER_SCALE_DOMAINLIST_FILE variable causing scaling issue in Imperial unitsPrint Preparation
751950Create area feature from elements creates an ExceptionMap Ultimate for Finland
751952An exception occurs after editing the property type of a matched featureGSA
751954While matching XFM to spatial features the registration wizard can show incorrect information if the process skips through the screens using Back and NextGSA
751959Path for Workset was ignored in a specific SchemaGSA
751962In Save As/Batch Convert, remove Tags/Items during promote DFS to XFM featureXFM
751966Oracle error message displayed when program is loadingMap Ultimate for Finland
751975Exception on Registered Connection where the category name contains an ampersandSpatial
752018"Error (400) Bad Request" seen in a specific WFS Server URLWFS
752029Domain values change after selecting a feature and choosing the Edit option when the data type is ncharSQL Server Spatial
752037Getting an Unhandled Exception with a specific DGN FileGSA
752040Feature class inferred from XFM native collection feature instance has display name with "_Collection" suffixXFM
752043In the Properties dialog, when viewing component element of a collection feature instance, the parent feature name does not have the _Collection suffix so it has same name as component featureXFM
752052MS_GEOIMPORT_PATH and MS_GEOEXPORT_PATH are not working with GDI key-insInteroperability
752058Export to Shapefile directory causes an Exception with this datasetInteroperability
752065Changing the schema name after the schema is created can lead to a missing worksetGSA
752066Posted Annotation re-queries in different location from South AfricaSpatial Database
752070Does not export elements from a reference as-expectedExport to MicroStation Elements
752078Export to Shapefile with Russian Text produces bad resultsInteroperability
752081Inserted Attribute and double backslash appear in the message centerGSA
752084Topology option is set back to the default value after two consecutive File | ClosePreferences
752091.inc file created on a version 10.7.1 workspace missing values once convertedConfiguration
752094Stella Map converting from DGN to DWG filled shapes issue, resolvedDWG
752106Schema Location label is not translatedInternationalization
752108Print models created using custom print templates from a Map Definition produce an empty Map Manager layer listPrint Preparation
752112Getting an Exception from a spatial database query because of a missing cellSpatial
752231The Add User Workset description is not considered in this caseGSA
752232For Point-Text features, the GSA Schema-defined Scale value is not recognizedSymbology
752238DWG output of the print model does not show the legends textPrint Preparation
752432Specific GML issue during importGML Programming
752530Load by Selection to Data Browser not showing valued (spatial databases-only)Browser
752582Modify the Exception message on Export to GML when there is no Coordinate SystemInteroperability
752689It should preserve the dialog open/close status as it does for positioning and sizingCommand Manager
752924Application freezes when placing a road feature using the second segment modeXFM
752995Detect features without Apply Edits service and return them as read only featuresArcGIS Server
753188Stamp functionality not workingPrint Preparation
753274Incorrect display of Topology category in PreferencesPreferences
756050Two vertex Line String results to an Exception using Copy ParallelXFM
763278Rename Schema Workspace / Workset exporting old nameGSA
766718Visibility toggle not honored as user-defined in Map ManagerMap Manager
767233Error messages about missing setting filesMap Ultimate for Finland
767377Exception thrown on Detach Reference file with specific datasetReference
774268Legend window does not appear for specific DGNPrint Preparation
782452DGN2DB with reference files causing Error: The Property 'DGN_ID' is read onlyDGN2DB
782676Request to add other types of linear elements available for leader-line annotationPlace Feature
782689When placing Leader-line Annotation, the resulting text is upside downPlace Feature
785408Specific file throws and Exception after zoom in-out, and pan viewView Commands
785469An ESRI File Geodatabase registered connection operation failsFGDB
787529.NET Framework Error on File OpenProgramming
796608Fence File on Polygon Collection with Pattern Area give unexpected resultsXFM
798565Drop XFM Polygon Collection in Map - "Duplicate current version XFM root-feature element" detectedXFM
799286DGN File will not stay open in Map Update 16, Exception thrown Internal Error "Unknown"XFM
808101Running Validate Topology on a specific DGN causes Map to throw an ExceptionTopology
813558Legacy DFS variable not working anymore as expected, fixedXFM
814782Provide API to connect to graphical source without showing any formsProgramming
814876GSA-created features matched to a PostGIS database are not querying back into MapPostGIS
814892The GSA is not displaying feature properties after a spatial feature has been matched to an existing XFM featureGSA
822976Generate Zone tool from geozone.mdl always result to 5 distance offsetMDL
824653Occasional Exception thrown when switching workspace and fileConfiguration
847222When Deleting a feature from the Tree List, it should also update the Command Manager listXFM
847863Copying a specific feature instance results in Map becoming unresponsiveXFM
849143Adding a Date-tick property results to an Exception with this datasetGSA
849677Multiple errors when exporting polygon layers to File GeoDatabaseInteroperability
851911Spatial Feature Matching to XFM Features works with Point Cells, but not Point TextPlace Feature
859762Buffer operation, Overlay operation throwing an ExceptionAnalysis
864633Add support for OpenCities Map in non-graphic mode, like in V8iXFM
867103Both Domain Name and ID are visible in the Data BrowserBrowser
881912Feature list is not updated correctly in a specific workflowXFM
883298Edit Properties results in an unexpected Text Annotation SizeXFM
884206Enable support for FME 2022FME Import/Export
889137Placing or Deleting lines takes over a minute with a specific datasetXFM
894330Enable DYNAMICBASE for the nnn.EsriFileGeoDatabase and OrgStorage .dlls Flag
895135Values are not inferred when using RGB values from custom line stylesXFM
901997Remove WMTS from the Tech Preview in OpenCities Map Update 16, will publish in Update 17Tech Preview


* DGN2DB - Command line graphical to spatial database tools

* DFI - Dynamic Feature Inference

* FGDB - ESRI File Geodatabase

* GSA - Geospatial Administrator

* MDL - MicroStation Development Libraries

* XFM - XML Feature Modeling