- CONNECT Edition Update 4 (

ReferenceSummary DescriptionKeyword(s) 
417103Split polygon with holes did not give expected results.Split Polygon
418920Labeling did not consider holes.Labeling
756637Split Polygon was not using existing element for cutting element.Split Polygon
930029Reset button was not working to get out of current tools.
936973Some options in Print Template dialog did not work.
940961Some print preparation post placement tools were not following Element Template settings.Print Preparation
957653Map Join key-in caused errors.Join
998314Custom tab from DGNLib was not showing in Map.User Interface
999201Map was slow to open DGNs with multiple modelsOperation
1002662Searches performed with Esri file geodatabase resulted in an error.Interoperability
1007442Database operation tools were missing.Database
1010402Domain list values not displaying in combo box properties when using watcher or criteria.Geospatial Administrator
1021187Attached images did not display in Raster Manager dialog when re-opening file.Raster Manager
1022368Labeling large datasets was causing an error.Labeling
1025399Unexpected behavior occurred with Area Perimeter Update.Database
1028088Merge Polygon was giving unexpected results.Merge Polygon
1029569Labels were not seen for point features.Labeling
1035408Display of Merge Polygon dialog was problematic.Merge Polygon
1037711The -wr switch was not being passed upon launch.Geospatial Administrator
1047456New features are missing properties upon placement.Geospatial Administrator