Propagation Rules

Using the GeoSpatial Administrator, in an XFM schema Propagation rules are defined for (sub) features. The propagation rules define how all the pieces are handled during element manipulation.
Propagation flags are defined for every XFM sub-feature. The propagation flags can be set to Never, Always, or Lock. If the flag is set to Lock, then the change is propagated only if the MicroStation Graphic Group lock is on. If the flag is set to Always, then the change is always propagated.

E.g. for the feature Cable with the subfeature CableText:

Below a table with flags, description and the effected tool.

Propagation Type


Monitored Activity

to parent

Propagate change to parent feature.

Manipulations such as mirror, move, rotate, scale, and stretch.

from parent

Propagate change from parent feature.

Manipulations such as mirror, move, rotate, scale, and stretch.

from root

Propagate change from root feature.

Manipulations such as mirror, move, rotate, scale, and stretch.

copy to parent

Propagate copy to parent feature.

Copy, Fence Copy, Array, Fence Array.

copy from parent

Propagate copy from parent feature.

Copy, Fence Copy, Array, Fence Array.

copy from root

Propagate copy from root feature.

Copy, Fence Copy, Array, Fence Array.

delete to parent

Propagate sub-feature delete to parent. When a parent feature is deleted, all of its sub-features are automatically deleted.

Delete, Fence Delete, Move Fence Contents to File.

Propagation rules are ignored with:

During the placement of a feature, the rules are stored in the feature instance. In the Properties dialog the Propagation Rules are listed in the section Raw Data, see the screenshot below.

E.g., with settings above, when a River feature is copied, the subfeature RiverText is never copied.

Note: When you change a Propagate setting in the XFM schema, the Propagation Rules of existing (sub)features do not change.
Use the Feature Reset tool (Map > Home > Features > Reset Features) to update features to match the modified feature definition.