Feature Definitions and Inference Rules

As of OpenCities Map Update 17, Feature Definitions and Inference Rules functionality offers additional dimensions of control for processing raw feature stock directly from the user session.  Changes made via Feature Definitions and Inference Rules can be propagated back to the source XFM project schema and/or common worksets. Access control and good backup discipline are recommended prior to utilization.  

At this time, documentation for Feature Definitions and Inference Rules is available solely within the application via dedicated help file. 

To access the documentation from an OpenCities Map session:

- Launch the Feature Definitions and Inference Rules dialog.

Browse to the Map Admin workflow > Map Configuration group > Inference Features or use the ribbon search (F4) and enter 'inference...' :

Inference Rules 

Within the Feature Definitions and Inference Rules dialog, expand 'General Tools' as needed.
-  Select the question mark 'help' icon:

'Help' documentation access for Feature Definitions and Inference Rules