
Geospatial solutions are rarely used individually.  Data comes in and goes out for users in various formats, this is termed "interoperability" and allows different systems to utilize the data regardless of its origins.  This section of articles discusses how to connect to a variety of other data formats, to be used within the Bentley Map and associated software platforms.

[[- Add properties to MicroStation elements without a Map project]]

[[- Add properties to SHP files using Map]]

- Apply symbology when importing Esri Shapefiles

- Assign attributes when importing shapefiles

- Connect to ESRI File Geodatabase

[[- Convert numerical properties upon import from SHP]]

[[- Create join to SHP file to update properties]]

- Create a join between Microsoft Excel and Esri Shapefile data

- Export arcs and stroking tolerance

- Export textures to CityGML

- Export thematic symbology to MicroStation

- Export to Esri Shapefile format

- Export to Google Earth, polygon issues

- Export to Shapefile makes two Shapefiles

- Exporting a DGN to shapefile with properties

- File Geodatabase and Custom Coordinate Systems

- File Geodatabase reports unknown spatial reference

- Import coordinate and property information from an XLS or CSV file

- Import INSPIRE GML using FME (Video)

- Import multiple folders of Shapefiles by using GDI keyins

- Import Oracle data using VRT

- Import requirements for geospatial file formats

- Import text strings from point SHP properties

- Importing 3D shapefiles with elevation

[[- Interoperability key-ins]]

- Key-in to execute import for an IMPX file

- Limitations of Esri File Geodatabase support

[[- MXD files]]

- Protecting Bentley Map design data in a MicroStation session

- Queries are not undoable

- Selecting specific feature properties when importing Shapefiles

- VRT File parameters to import Points, Lines, and Polygons

- VRT Files to import ODBC and CSV data sources