- DGN file Authoring Product for iTwin Services alert upon Save Settings operation

During CTRL+F / Save Settings operations, an OpenCities Map user may encounter an iTwin authorship alert.  e.g.

The current DGN is authored by OpenRoadsDesigner for the purposes of iTwin Services. 

Would you like to change the authoring product to MapUltimate 

The Authoring Product file property pertains to potential use of the file as a source for iTwin Services content.

If the user expects that the file will be processed within an environment matching the existing setting, 'No' is the expected choice. 

As a desktop product, the setting will not impact usage of the file within OpenCities Map. 

Users expecting to switch between environments and wishing to avoid being prompted by the Alert may set the following configuration variable (to any value) : 


Authoring Product details can be checked via File > Properties...   

Select the desired file and browse to the Extended details, Authoriing Product property: