- Positional offset after Save as... DWG

A User process recently produced a problem when using the Save as.. DWG command in OpenCities Map, whereby the resulting graphics were offset from their original DGN File position.  In the image below, the crosshairs should be in the center of the circle, 

The cause of the problem was two-fold: 1. the resolution in the DGN File was to low, 1 per Distance Millimeter,  and 2. The Shared Cell origin was defined very far away from the graphics of the cell.  This caused the export or Save as... command to have accuracy/precision issues while converting from DGN to DWG.

Resolution: redefine the cell origin to a location within the graphics, and/or increase the resolution in the DGN File. This will produce accurate results when the file is exported or Saved as... DWG format: