OpenCities Map Ultimate for Finland CONNECT Edition x64 (SES)

The Next Generation of Stella Map is here!

Based on OpenCities Map technology, Stella Map is now called the OpenCities Map Ultimate for Finland CONNECT Edition and is now available!

As a follow up to our recent communication regarding support expiration for Stella Map, Bentley is pleased to announce the OpenCities Map Ultimate for Finland CONNECT Edition. Following the feedback from the Beta release, we are pleased to launch a commercial release of OpenCities Map Ultimate for Finland.

OpenCities Map Ultimate for Finland will help you to turn heterogeneous data into structured 2D and 3D spatial data as well as Maps. It provides advanced 2D and 3D design productivity innovations to create and maintain engineering-quality spatial data of city assets, plus high-level tools to work with images, scalable terrain models, point clouds and reality meshes. The new version provides the ability to query, edit, and post data from the most common spatial databases.

With this launch of the CONNECT Edition, Stella Map is now a standalone product and will no longer be available as a layered application within MicroStation. OpenCities Map Ultimate for Finland includes a full version of MicroStation, OpenCities Map, Descartes, and all the specialized tools for Finland users that were available in Stella Map.

To get OpenCities Map Ultimate for Finland, you need to complete a Service Request to: Cross-grade Stella + MicroStation.

Point your web browser to the Bentley CONNECT center

Scroll down to New Service Request

Select Billing, Order and Contract Support

Define these options to fill out the Service Request:

Select the Submit to Support button to complete and send the form to Bentley.