- CONNECT Edition installation requirements

The following provides information regarding installation requirements for OpenCities Map products.

Internet Access:

You will need to have access to the internet to install OpenCities Map products. 

Ensure you have access to the following URLS:

 If you already have the site *.bentley.com as a filter in your firewall, these URLs should already be available.

For sites with restricted internet access, it's suggested to create a deployment image which eliminates the need for repeated downloads of the installation files.  Please refer to Creating a deployment image for more information.


Proxy Settings:

A proxy or proxy server is another computer which serves as a hub or bridge through which internet requests are processed. By connecting through one of these servers, your computer sends your requests to the proxy server which then processes your request and returns the requested information.

As you start to install OpenCities Map, the installation process will check for internet access. Depending upon how you access the internet, you may see a dialog requesting a username and password.  If so, this means that your organization has a Proxy server to access the internet.  Enter an ID (user name) and password to get access to the internet. In many cases you might need to get help from your IT department for this information.


 Antivirus software:

There have been some cases where  antivirus software prevents the installation of software.  Should that be the case, disable the antivirus software prior to starting the installation.

It might be necessary to contact your IT department for assistance.


Knowledge base missing files error:

Knowledge Base (KB) errors may indicate that Windows is missing a patch.  The most common is a message is “Please install KB2999226 on your machine before initiating installation”.  In this case, refer to the following article:  Please install KP29992266

Be aware for any other messages of KB files missing and download the needed KB files from Microsoft. 

The message of missing KB2803801 requires internet access.  To resolve this, ensure you have internet access and the proxy settings are in order.