- Add properties to MicroStation elements without a Map project

This short article provides a workflow to resolve the following problem:

You have Shapefile data and would like to apply the same properties to plain MicroStation elements, but don't have a Map schema with defined features and properties. 

1.  Open your DGN in Map.  In this example, the file is opened using No Workspace to ensure that a project isn't loaded.

2. Import the Shapefile and make note of the destination level.  By default, the level used is the same name as the incoming shapefile.  When imported, review the properties with Analyze Result.

3.  Set the active level to the same as the imported shapefile data.

4.  Using MicroStation element placement tools, digitize new geometry.  Note that the geometry must be the same element type as the imported shapefile.  In this example, the Place Block tool is used to create a shape.  Note that the resulting elements are interpreted as Inferred Features by Map.

5.  Select the Edit Feature tool, and select a MicroStation element to edit.  The Edit feature dialog is built and contains the properties imported from the shapefile.

6.  Add the appropriate values and click OK.  The MicroStation element is promoted to a native OpenCities Map XFM feature with properties an correct symbology.