This MDL application is for V8i only. is small lightweight program that displays a features XFM properties as a tooltip by your cursor.
At this time it will enable you to display the tool tip three ways:
1) Show all XFM properties
2) Show only a configured property. To do this, add the variable XFM_PROPERTY4TOOLTIP = PropertyName to your configuration. Note that the property name is case sensitive. You can add this configuration variable to your project schema, or add it to a keyin such as the following. This will allow you to switch to displaying different properties fairly easily. Note: This keyin assumes that the MDL is already loaded.
mdl unload xfm4tooltip;mdl load xfm4tooltip;expand set xfm_property4tooltip = Property_01
mdl unload xfm4tooltip;mdl load xfm4tooltip;expand set xfm_property4tooltip = Property_02
mdl unload xfm4tooltip;mdl load xfm4tooltip;expand set xfm_property4tooltip = Property_03
If the property does not have a Display Name defined, the word Tooltip is used as shown in the graphic above.
3) The default tool tip.
Other notes:
- The display of the level name is optional as indicated by the toggle in the dialog.
- Download the zip file which includes a sample DGN and the MDL.
- Place in ...\WorkSpace\Standards\mdlapps\intelnt
- Load it for use with the keyin MDL LOAD XFM4TOOLTIP
Note: MDL was updated February 2018 to correct a minor bug.
Disclaimer - This application is supplied as-is and does not come with support. Bentley Systems Inc., and the author of this programs assume no liability for damages direct, indirect, or consequential, which may result from the use of this program. Use this application at your own risk.