- Label latitude and longitudes (VBA)

This macro runs on V8i only.

To place latitude/longitude labels use label_latlon2.mvba Bentley Map example VBA application. This example Bentley Map application has been developed using VBA so that it can be easily modified by anyone requiring similar functionality.

Place the provided mvba file in any folder which is referenced by the MS_VBASEARCHDIRECTORIES configuration variable and enter VBA RUN [label_latlon2]Module1.main which loads the following dialog:

Alternatively, enter VBA RUN [label_latlon2]Module1.placeLatLonLabel to start the Place Label(s) Interactively command without displaying the dialog. During interactive placement, you can toggle the display of dynamics by simply pressing the right mouse button.

Labels will be placed using your active attributes and text settings.  The Angle Readout of the design file will define whether the labels are in decimal degrees or degrees-minutes-seconds.  The latitude and longitude values are generated from the design files geographic coordinate system.


Related Article:  Extended Properties

Disclaimer - This application is supplied as-is and does not come with support. Bentley Systems Inc., and the author of this programs assume no liability for damages direct, indirect, or consequential, which may result from the use of this program. Use this application at your own risk.