- Data Browser does not open or is missing

Problem:  Data browser does not open when icon is selected.  There are no error messages, and it happens with every file

1. Open Bentley Map

2. Go to Tools > Geospatial > Utilities

3. Click on the Data Browser icon.

4. If it does not appear, go to the Window menu and select it from the drop down list.

5. If it still does not appear, make sure the dialog in question has focus (by selecting in Windows menu).

6. Press ALT + SPACE and the context menu should appear for the dialog.

7. Press M or select Move using the mouse (this may be different for foreign languages).

8. Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to move the dialog into view (try all directions until outline of dialog appears).

If Data Browser does not appear, verify that it can be seen using the MSGEO or other user defined workspace.

If the Data Browser still isn't visible, it may be a case of having a corrupt User Preference File (UPF).  In this case, you can force Bentley Map to create a new UPF by restoring it to its defaults.

To restore the defaults for Bentley Map, refer to these instructions:


Alternatively, you can key in $ % explorer $(_USTN_HOMEPREFS)  to open File Explorer to the location of your preferences.

Close Bentley Map.  In the File Explorer window, look for a file with the .UPF extension and rename it to a different extension.

Restart Bentley Map and check if the issue still occurs.  A new UPF will be created automatically)

Note: Re-creating a new UPF will reset your Bentley Map layout and all user preferences to the "factory defaults".

See also:
