Window Authentication required to access some eB Reports


Applies To
Product(s):eB Web
Version(s):15.x.x, 16.X.X
Environment: N/A
Area: Reports
Subarea: Authentication
Original Author:Aakanksha Gupta, Bentley Technical Support Group








Error or Warning Message

While opening a particular report with eB Web through eB credentials they will give below error :

"An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted).Cannot create a connection to data source 'XYZ_Datasource'.(rsErrorOpeningConnection) For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors"

How to Avoid

This can be done to restrict the accesibility to the report. Particular user are given direct permission to access the report through windows authentications. Try to login with the valid domain name and windows credentials, as permissions to view reports can be restrictive to windows authentication.

This can be provided by making entry in the security tab for the desired user.