Q. AutoPIPE crashes when installing, how to get a log file using a CMD prompt?

Perform the following:

1. First confirm that the installation file is good, download AutoPIPE using process here

2. Place downloaded executable (*.exe) file in an folder directory on the user's computer
       (ex. c:\users\mike.dattilio\downloads)

3. Start Command Prompt, Start > CMD> be sure to select "Run as Administrator"

In just a moment the following should appear:

4. Change folder to location where download file is located (ex.c:\users\mike.dattilio\downloads)


enter cd c:\users\mike.dattilio\downloads       [press keyboard enter key])

5.  Confirm that AutoPIPE installation file (*.exe) is located in the folder [enter "dir" and press keyboard enter key]


6. Enter the following:

[name of install file] -l .\[name of log file]


ap12030017en.exe -l .\startuplog.txt      [press keyboard enter key]

7. In just a moment AutoPIPE should start installing. Continue with the installation until a problem occurs and the application closes. 

8. Locate the startup.log file, (note, should have been written to the same folder as the *exe) and open it in any text editor (NotePAD++, Ultra Edit, etc..).


I. The log file would be empty or does not exist only IF

a. Installed virus protection software on the User's computer sees AutoPIPE's *.exe as a virus. Adjust the Virus software to accept AutoPIPE as an approved / OK application.

b. Permission issue, User restrictions by company's admin to install applications. Contact company's IT department asking if Users' has correct permissions to install application.  Ask that they log on and try the steps above.

c. Current installer was corrupted during downloaded / copied procedures. Download AutoPIPE using process here and try steps above. 

d. Unknown reason installer prefers installation file on desktop. After moving installation file to desktop, try to install again.  

II. If log file was not created take a moment to search Temp folder for last created txt file (ex. Setup_****Failed.txt). Open for review.

9. Near the bottom of the log file should be some indication as to why the application is not installing.

10. Once a suspicious error is found, search the internet for solutions / fixes  to known issues. Afterward making some adjustments, try to re-install the program using steps above. 

11. If you are unsuccessful, send startuplog.txt to Bentley for review. 

See movie below of process above. 

See Also

How to debug the actual cause of the problem?

Use the WIX Toolset to extract contents of AutoPIPESetup.exe file which is a WIX Burns installer

Bentley AutoPIPE