Interactive Guide to Licensing AutoPIPE v.11.04 or lower - Step 8: License AutoPIPE based on LMT (

Step #1:

Start AutoPIPE using one of the steps mentioned earlier

Step #2:

Open "Welcome to AutoPIPE Licensing" dialog:

a. Using AutoPIPE V8i 11.00.xx.xx and higher

Select File> License Configuration

a. Using AutoPIPE V8i 09.06.01.xx to 10.xx.xx.xx

Select File> License Configuration


b. Using AutoPIPE XM v.08.09.xx.xx to V8i v.

Select Tools> Setting> Edition

Step #3:

Refer back to LMT, License Checkout tab in the previous step, what AutoPIPE editions are listed:

Question: Based on the images above, what AutoPIPE Edition can be License at this time?

Guess #1 = AutoPIPE Nuclear


No, AutoPIPE Nuclear is not listed in LMT on the License Checkout tab. Only products listed in LMT can be licensed. Therefore Nuclear edition cannot be licensed at this time.

Guess #2 = AutoPIPE Advance (aka PLUS)


Depends on the version of AutoPIPE being used -

AutoPIPE 2004 08.05.xx.xx to AutoPIPE V8i

These versions of AutoPIPE support the Bentley IEG licensing structure which requires a product to be listed on LMT's License Checkout tab, that the corresponding number of Available licenses be 1 or higher, and that Bentley IEG software be installed. If the application is not listed OR number of Available license = 0, OR IEG application is not installed, then No, the application will not be granted a license.

Issue related to Availability = 0 and missing Products, contact your Bentley On-site Admin, only these people have access to the SELECTserver and will be able to look up related detailed information. If you are a Bentley On-Site admin see procedure here

Confirm Bentley IEG software has been installed before proceeding.

AutoPIPE V8i and higher

These versions of AutoPIPE support Bentley Trust Licensing structure which requires a product to be listing on LMT's License Checout tab and regardless of the number of Available licenses show, the application will granted a license. Yes, Advanced edition can be selected.

Guess #3 = AutoPIPE Standard


Yes, AutoPIPE (aka Standard) is listed on LMT's License Checkout tab, and availability is >0 (ex. availability = 500).

Based on information displayed in LMT and assuming that AutoPIPE V8i has been intalled, only AutoPIPE Standard and Advanced editions can be licensed at this time. Do not select AutoPIPE Nuclear as the program will revert to demo mode.

Again, Remember if using a version based on Bentley IEG licensing structure (v.8.5.x.x to, then only select Standard edition, selecting either Advanced or Nuclear edition, the program will revert to Demo mode.

Step #4:

Select the Edition based on the answers to Step #3 above


If more than one edition meets the criteria above, the user should decide which edition to license at this time based on the features needed in the model. Knowing that each time the application is re-opened the previous edition will be selected for use by default unless manually changed on this dialog. 

Press OK button to close this dialog.

After pressing OK, the dialog will close, a signal is being sent to LMT asking to see if the selected edition license is listed and available. If it is, the program will be licensed, otherwise it will revert to DEMO mode. 

Step #5: What is displayed after selecting an Edition and pressing OK button:

Note: (Undefined) = File name has not been set, open a model or create a new model, this information will be updated accordingly.

Bentley AutoPIPE Demo

Program has reverted to "Demo Mode"

See the following WIKI here

Bentley AutoPIPE Standard

Program is now using an "AutoPIPE" License

Start using the program or
select another valid Edition option,
see Step #2 above

Bentley AutoPIPE Advanced

Program is now using an "Advanced" License

Start using the program or
select another valid Edition option,
see Step #2 above

Bentley AutoPIPE Nuclear

Program is now using an "Nuclear" License

Start using the program or
select another valid Edition option,
see Step #2 above

W2018-11: Not authorized for Standard edition.
Contact Bentley for authorization. Converting to DEMO.

The means that a valid license for AutoPIPE Standard edition is not available in LMT. The Application will revert to Demo Mode

Select here to figure out what AutoPIPE Edition user is Authorized for.

W2018-12: Not authorized for Advanced edition.
Contact Bentley for authorization. Converting to DEMO.

The means that a valid license for AutoPIPE Advance (aka. PLUS) edition is not available in LMT. The Application will revert to Demo Mode.

Select here to figure out what AutoPIPE Edition user is Authorized for.

 W2018-12: Not authorized for Plus edition.
 Contact Bentley for authorization. Converting to DEMO.

The means that a valid license for AutoPIPE Nuclear edition is not available in LMT. The Application will revert to Demo Mode

Select here to figure out what AutoPIPE Edition user is Authorized for.


The application should be licensed now. Start using AutoPIPE and enjoy!!!

See Also

Interactive Guide to Licensing

Bentley AutoPIPE