Interactive Guide to Licensing AutoPIPE v.11.04 or lower- Step 7b: Select Server does not support t

This is a bad sign, something is wrong somewhere !!!

If the "SELECTServer does not support this Activation Key" or "An Error has occurred while attempting to verify the server and activation key" dialog appeared (shown below)

when pressing the "Test Connection" button, then there is a problem in one of the following locations:

1. The Server Name is entered wrong, check to be sure that it is exactly as documented on the email sent to the Bentley On-site Admin. Check that no leading / trailing spaces are present.

2. The Site Activation key is entered wrong, check to be sure that it is exactly as documented on the email sent to the Bentley On-site Admin. Check that no leading / trailing spaces are present.

3. Internet connection between your computer and the SELECTserver is broken. Check to be sure that the computer can connect to the SELECTserver location. Ask IT department to see if the affected computer can ping the SELECTserver computer.

4. Maybe additional Proxy Configuration settings need to be made, contact your IT department for possible proxy settings, and enter them on the tab as needed.

5. Bentley Hosted SELECTserver is down for routine maintenance.

6. User's permission to use this application is not valid, update User status.

Press button below Only after the following has been displayed when selecting the Test Connection button


See Also

Interactive Guide to Licensing

Bentley AutoPIPE